[CORBETTLIST] Labrom: re the President's speech on Tuesday

  • From: moderator@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: corbettlist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:30:16 -0700

from voyageslumierehaiti@xxxxxxxxx

During the President's speech he said that after he was installed as
President, he made a list of the main things he wanted to start planning for the

He talked about energy, and solar energy, roads, education, health and
agriculture, if my memory serves me right.

He then said he had lined up funding for these projects - from Intl.
organisations and donors - some of it as a loan, and some of it as outright funding.

These were the plans with which to kick off his Presidency.

He then presented them to Parliament - WHO DID NOT ACCEPT THEM!!

I am not an expert in anyway on the Constitution, but I believe that is
the way the Govt. works in Haiti - so correct me if I'm wrong - you who know
more about it than me.

The President draws up the plans he wishes to develop, I'm sure after
consulting with specialists in these areas. And then he hands them over to Parliament
to ratify.

He has done his job and prepared the plans, AND found the funding and
then it's up to Parliament to ratify it. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.

The Parliament from the beginning, as probably all of us know - were not
happy with his being elected, particularly Jean Charles Moise who was also a candidate
and thought he should have won. I can't remember if there were any other candidates who became
Senators or Deputies. But there has been a large part of Parliament who have been
trying to block him and get him out - practically from the beginning.

So my question is ?  Who should the people blame when NOTHING HAS BEEN
DONE in his Presidency? He gave Parliament his plans, as promised in his

If I'm right that the President does the plans, and gives them to the
Parliament for them to ratify - and the Parliament rejects them out of hand - then it is NOT
the fault of the President but the fault of the Parliament!!

I wonder if the Parliament rejected them because they were not going to
make any money out of it?!!

I just wish something could me done to get Haiti back on to a peaceful
standing. All businesses especially mine - tourism, is suffering badly. All our clients who had
signed up to come and visit Haiti - and spend money in Haiti have cancelled, even those who
were coming in January.

People who were lucky enough to be employed are probably not employed
anymore, so they and their families are suffering. The economy for this past 12 months has been
disastrous, prices of goods have gone up. So even when they finally do stop all the
demonstrations and damage to people's homes and businesses, it will take a long time to get out of
this terrible period.

Please continue to pray for PEACE!! And an HONEST govt!!

Jacqui Labrom--

Voyages Lumière SA


email: voyageslumierehaiti@xxxxxxxxx
Tel: (00 509) Cellphones: (00 509) 4805-8289/3607-1321
Website : www.voyageslumiere.com


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