[CTS] Re: security??? ha!!!

  • From: John Durham <john.modec@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 12:07:09 +1200

That reads ambiguously. Having looked at the site, they make some valid points about program safety. Many are not known to be safe to use, so users agree to take risks with them. The idea of having a database of tested and proven programs has its uses, to identify and check anything that might be causing you trouble that isn't a virus or spyware. It you download stuff from the internet (and I do), there is no tried and true way of knowing if it is ok or if it will let any man and his dog poke around among your files. The tested programs list is a way to deal with that, although we are talking about a lot of programs here.

Bruce Eddy wrote:

This'll change your ideas on how safe your PC really is??? anyone got some ideas how to prevent this stuff from working??



-- Regards, John Durham <http://modecideas.com/contact.html?sig> ICQ number 112663246 Fax/Phone 64 4 5286786 Award winning web site at http://modecideas.com?sig Order my latest e-book at http://modecideas.com/dmaxhits.htm?sig PC-HELPERS list subscribe/unsub at http://modecideas.com/discuss.htm?sig Good advice is like good paint- it only works if applied.

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