[CTS] Re: USB Thumb drive

  • From: "Ross Nelson" <ross.nelson@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 11:29:42 -0600

Any decent USB 2.0 device will work fine in a USB 1.1 (and I assume
1.0 as well) port.  It'll just run slower (and if you're on Windows
it'll yell at you about the ability for the drive to operate faster).

Some hardware like that used for audio or video recording/transfer may
refuse to work on anything under 2.0, but then it should just just
give an error message or not be recognized.  Thumb drives are
simplistic enough that they'll work under multiple revisions without
issue.  It should be fine.

On 2/24/07, cuffy10@xxxxxxxxxxx <cuffy10@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What happens if you plug a thumb drive into a USB1.1 socket ?
The USB2.0 card quit because the PCI slot died and I'm out of PCI slots.
I don't want to scramble the thumb drive !



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