[CTS] Gates goes to hell....

  • From: "Surfin Suzy" <surfin_suzy@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "CTS" <computertalkshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:07:27 -0600

Just to demonstrate that I can laugh at myself (for being an early Vista 

Bill Gates died, and an angel was walking with him up to the Pearly Gates. 
"You are going to be judged," the angel explained, "by a panel of users who 
upgraded from Windows XP to Vista Premium." Gates was worried, but the 
panel was very friendly. 

"The Bible says that you reap what you sow," they explained, "so, since you 
gave us a choice, we're going to give you a choice. We're going to let you 
try out Heaven for a while, and then we're going to let you try out Hell. 
once you choose, you can never go back. That's what you did to us." Gates 
agreed that this was fair, and he went with the angel to try out Heaven. 

Heaven was very nice, and everybody was satisfied with the quality. 
Everything ran smoothly, and if any problems had ever existed, they had 
been corrected. The view was good, and there was no real need to improve 
anything. Many wise, experienced people were there, and they all advised 
him not to choose Hell 

Next, the angel took Gates down to Hell. In Hell, everything was 
spectacular. The view was stupendous, and it was one new thrill after 
another. You could do a lot more in Hell than you could in Heaven, and it 
was a lot more fun. Everything was much more powerful than in Heaven, 
and yet it all ran perfectly. A bunch of wild, crazy people were there, and 
they all advised him not to choose Heaven. 

"All right," said the angel. "It's time to choose. Remember that once you 
choose, you can never change your mind." "I choose Hell," replied Gates. 

Suddenly, Gates found himself burning in the flames. All around him people 
were cursing and wailing. Nothing worked, and everything was miserable. 
"What happened to all the great things you showed me?" Gates demanded. 

The Devil answered him: "That was the beta version." 

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  • » [CTS] Gates goes to hell....