[codeface] Re: [PATCH 05/12] Add a _get_feature_lines function which calculates feature sets for all source code lines.

  • From: Matthias Dittrich <matthi.d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: codeface@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 19:28:34 +0100

On 25.11.2014 16:38, Mitchell Joblin wrote:
On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 9:40 PM, Matthias Dittrich
<matthi.d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
- The _get_feature_lines function calculates the feature sets in a similar way 
how _getFunctionsLines
   calculates the current functions for all source code lines.
- Added some fields to codeface/fileCommit.py to save those results.
- parse_feature_line function to parse a single line of cppstats output.
- Added FileDict class to encapsulate information about the features of a 
source code file.
- parse_feature_lines function to generate a FileDict instance from all lines 
of cppstats output.
- We expect cppstats to be in path and check that the executable works before 
starting the analysis.
- Update documentation.

Signed-off-by: Matthias Dittrich <matthi.d@xxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Wolfgang Mauerer <wolfgang.mauerer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  README.md              |  25 ++++++
  codeface/VCS.py        | 230 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  codeface/fileCommit.py |  70 +++++++++++++++
  codeface/project.py    |  24 +++++-
  codeface/util.py       |  22 +++++
  5 files changed, 367 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 277a67a..eced236 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -59,6 +59,31 @@ in the step "Database Setup", and modify codeface.conf 
           # Devel packages required for python packages
           sudo apt-get install libyaml-dev

+* When using the feature or feature_file analysis you need to have a working
+  "cppstats" in your path.
+  One way to get it is:
+        cd ~
+        git clone https://github.com/clhunsen/cppstats.git
+  Now create a file like ~/scripts/cppstats and add ~/scripts to your PATH.
+  It should have something along the lines of:
+        #!/bin/bash
+        cd ~/cppstats
+        PYTHONPATH="~/cppstats/lib" ~/cppstats/cppstats.py "$@"
+  Note that the script has to be executable:
+        chmod +x ~/scripts/cppstats
+  and then add ~/scripts to your PATH.
+  (maybe you have to replace ~ with the full path (/home/$user) if it doesn't 
+  You can test this script by running "~/scripts/cppstats --help" and
+  validate that you get an help message
  ## Preparing the R installation

  * Run `sudo R CMD javareconf`; make sure that the tool reports success in
diff --git a/codeface/VCS.py b/codeface/VCS.py
index c1060f2..079be83 100644
--- a/codeface/VCS.py
+++ b/codeface/VCS.py
@@ -34,15 +34,19 @@
  # VCS-specific.
  # TODO: Unify range handling. Either a range is always a list, or always
  # represented by two parameters.
+import itertools
+import readline

  import commit
  import fileCommit
  import re
  import os
+import bisect
  import ctags
  import tempfile
  import source_analysis
  import shutil
+from fileCommit import FileDict
  from progressbar import ProgressBar, Percentage, Bar, ETA
  from ctags import CTags, TagEntry
  from logging import getLogger; log = getLogger(__name__)
@@ -182,6 +186,181 @@ class VCS:
          return subsys=="__main__" or subsys in self.subsys_description.keys()

+def parse_sep_line(line):
+    if not line.startswith("\"sep="):
+        raise ParseError(
+            ("expected that the csv file header starts with '\"sep=' "
+             "but it started with '{}'")
+            .format(line), 'CSVFile')
+    stripped = line.rstrip()
+    if not stripped.endswith("\""):
+        raise ParseError(
+            ("expected that the csv file header ends with '\"' "
+             "but the line was '{}'")
+            .format(line), 'CSVFile')
+    return stripped[5:-1]
+def parse_line(sep, line):
+    """
+    Parses a line from a csv file
+    :param sep:
+    :param line:
+    :return:
+    """
+    # TODO: Handle escaping: sep is escaped with quotes, quotes are escaped 
with quotes
+    # 'test,test' will be '"test,test"' in the csv file
+    # 'test"this,"test' will be '"test""this,""test"' in the csv file
+    return [l.strip() for l in line.split(sep)]
+class LineType:
+    IF = "#if"
+    ELSE = "#else"
+    ELIF = "#elif"
+def parse_feature_line(sep, line):
+    """
+    parse the current line which is something like:
+    :param line: the line to parse
+    :return: start_line, end_line, line_type, feature_list
+    """
+    parsed_line = parse_line(sep, line)
+    try:
+        start_line = int(parsed_line[1])
+        end_line = int(parsed_line[2])
+        line_type_raw = parsed_line[3]
+        if line_type_raw not in (LineType.IF, LineType.ELSE, LineType.ELIF):
+            raise ParseError(
+                ("could not parse feature line (because we could"
+                 "not parse the line_type): \"{}\"")
+                .format(line), 'CSVFile')
+        line_type = line_type_raw
+        feature_list = parsed_line[5].split(';')
+        return start_line, end_line, line_type, feature_list
+    except ValueError:
+        raise ParseError(
+            ("could not parse feature line (most likely because we "
+             "could not parse the start- or end-line which should "
+             "be on index 2 and 3): \"{}\"")
+            .format(line), 'CSVFile')
+def get_feature_lines(parsed_lines, filename):
+    """
+    calculates an dictionary representing the feature sets for any line
+    of the given file.
+    :param parsed_lines: a list of tuples with
+    (start_line, end_line, line_type, feature_list) elements
+    :param filename: the name or the analysed files
+    (only used for descriptive error messages if the calculation fails)
+    :return:
+    feature_lines: a FileDict object to access the feature sets on any line
+    """
+    # mapping line -> feature list, we only add changing elements
+    feature_lines = FileDict()
+    feature_lines.add_line(0, [])
+    # we want a format like (is_start, features) for every line with an
+    # #ifdef (ie. line that changes the feature set)
+    annotated_lines = {}
+    def check_line(line):
+        if line in annotated_lines:
+            raise ParseError(
+                ("every line index can be used at most once "
+                 "(problematic line was {0} in file {1})")
+                .format(line, filename), filename)
+    # We now transform the cppstats output in another output which will
+    # help to implement the algorithm below in a simple and fast way.
+    # The old format is a list of
+    # (start_line, end_line, line_type, feature_list) tuples for every
+    # #ifdef/#else.
+    # The new format is a list of (is_start, feature_set)
+    # for every #ifdef(/#else)/#endif
+    # We try to ignore #else wherever possible or handle
+    # the #else like a nested #if.
+    for start_line, end_line, line_type, feature_list in parsed_lines:
+        if start_line >= end_line:
+            raise ParseError(
+                ("start_line can't be greater or equal to end_line "
+                 "(problematic line was {0} in file {1})")
+                .format(start_line, filename), filename)
+        if line_type == LineType.IF:
+            # ifs start on their own line, however the end_line could
+            # already be used by the start of an else/elif
+            # (#else is the end of the previous #if
+            # and the start of another '#if')
+            check_line(start_line)
+            if end_line in annotated_lines:
+                # in that case we just say the #else line belongs to the
+                # virtual starting '#if'
+                end_line -= 1
+            # Now end_line should be unused
+            check_line(end_line)
+            annotated_lines[start_line] = (True, feature_list)
+            annotated_lines[end_line] = (False, feature_list)
+        else:
+            # we try to mostly ignore else and elif if the feature_
+            # list doesn't change
+            is_start, old_feature_list = annotated_lines[start_line]
+            if (not is_start) and old_feature_list == feature_list:
+                # We are on an ELSE, however the feature list did not
+                # change so we just delete the current line and move the
+                # list to the new end
+                del annotated_lines[start_line]
+                annotated_lines[end_line] = is_start, old_feature_list
+            elif is_start:
+                raise ParseError(
+                    ("line {0} appeared twice as start line "
+                     "(problematic file was {1})")
+                        .format(start_line, filename), filename)
+            else:
+                # So we have a elif with different features,
+                # so we start more features now end add them to the ending
+                # later
+                # (so we handle this as if there was a new #ifdef started)
+                del annotated_lines[start_line]
+                annotated_lines[start_line] = (True, feature_list)
+                annotated_lines[end_line] = \
+                    (False, old_feature_list + feature_list)
+    # Now that we have calculated the annotated_lines we just calculate the
+    # feature sets on those lines and save them in a FileDict instance.
+    # We can always access the last feature_list with the FileDict
+    # (because we sorted the lines)
+    for line in sorted(annotated_lines):
+        is_start, features = annotated_lines[line]
+        # Get last info
+        last_feature_list = feature_lines.get_line_info_raw(line)
+        # Copy last list and create new list for current line
+        new_feature_list = list(last_feature_list)
+        if is_start:
+            # if the current line starts a new list of features,
+            # we just need to add those to
+            # the new list (note that order matters in this case).
+            for r in features:
+                new_feature_list.insert(0, r)
+        else:
+            # if the current line ends a list of features,
+            # we remove them from the list
+            # (reverse order as adding).
+            for r in reversed(features):
+                item = new_feature_list.pop(0)
+                assert(item == r)
+            # Remove in next line
+            # (because we want to count the current #endif line as well).
+            line += 1
+        feature_lines.add_line(line, new_feature_list)
+    return feature_lines
  class gitVCS (VCS):
      def __init__(self):
          VCS.__init__(self) # Python OOP braindamage
@@ -1067,6 +1246,57 @@ class gitVCS (VCS):
              src_line_rmv = re.sub(rmv_char, ' ', src_line.strip())
              file_commit.addFuncImplLine(line_num, src_line_rmv)

+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_feature_lines(file_layout_src, file_commit):
+        """
+        similar to _getFunctionLines but computes the line numbers of each
+        feature in the file.
+        """
+        '''
+        - Input -
+        file_layout_src:
+            dictionary with 'key=line number' and 'value=line of code'
+        file_commit: fileCommit instance where the results will be stored
+        - Description -
+        The file_layout is used to construct a source code file that can be
+        parsed by cppstats to generate a cppstats csv file.
+        The cppstats csv file is then accessed to extract the feature sets
+        and line numbers to be saved in the fileCommit object
+        '''
+        # grab the file extension to determine the language of the file
+        fileExt = os.path.splitext(file_commit.filename)[1]
+        # temporary file where we write transient data needed for ctags
+        srcFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=fileExt)
+        featurefile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".csv")
+        # generate a source code file from the file_layout_src dictionary
+        # and save it to a temporary location
+        for line in file_layout_src:
+            srcFile.write(line)
+        srcFile.flush()
+        # run cppstats analysis on the file to get the feature locations
+        cmd = "/usr/bin/env cppstats --kind featurelocations --file {0} {1}"\
+            .format(srcFile.name, featurefile.name).split()
+        output = execute_command(cmd).splitlines()
+        results_file = open(featurefile.name, 'r')
+        sep = parse_sep_line(next(results_file))
+        headlines = parse_line(sep, next(results_file))
+        feature_lines = \
+            get_feature_lines(
+                [parse_feature_line(sep, line) for line in results_file],
+                file_commit.filename)
+        # clean up temporary files
+        srcFile.close()
+        featurefile.close()
+        # save result to the file commit instance
+        file_commit.set_feature_infos(feature_lines)
      def cmtHash2CmtObj(self, cmtHash):
          input: cmtHash
diff --git a/codeface/fileCommit.py b/codeface/fileCommit.py
index aa99e84..6474669 100644
--- a/codeface/fileCommit.py
+++ b/codeface/fileCommit.py
@@ -23,6 +23,67 @@ single file.'''
  import commit
  import bisect

+class FileDict:
+    """
+    A generic dictionary for saving per-line information.
+    We assume that this information is available on any line,
+    and that the information only changes on some lines.
+    So we only save the information on lines that change that info
+    and use bisect to retrieve that information (for any line).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, line_list, line_dict):
+        """
+        :rtype : FileDict
+        """
+        self.line_list = line_list
+        self.line_dict = line_dict
+        self.lastItem = line_list[-1]
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        :rtype : FileDict
+        """
+        self.line_list = []
+        self.line_dict = {}
+        self.lastItem = -1
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self.line_dict.__iter__()
+    def get_line_info_raw(self, line_nr):
+        """
+        Returns the info for the given line
+        (if the line was never set, the info for the last set line
+        is returned)
+        :param line_nr: the line to retrieve the information for.
+        :return: the information for the given line.
+        """
+        i = bisect.bisect_right(self.line_list, line_nr)
+        info_line = self.line_list[i-1]
+        return self.line_dict[info_line]
+    def get_line_info(self, line_nr):
+        return set(self.get_line_info_raw(line_nr))
+    def add_line(self, line_nr, info):
+        """
+        Add the given information to the current dictionary.
+        Note: while filling the dictionary the line_nr argument has to
+        be incremented (this is only to make sure the caller
+        gets the intended behavior)!
+        :param line_nr: the line number of the information
+        :param info: the information for the current line
+        """
+        if line_nr < self.lastItem:
+            raise ValueError("can only incrementally add items")
+        self.line_list.append(line_nr)
+        self.line_dict[line_nr] = info
+    def values(self):
+        return self.line_dict.values()
  class FileCommit:
      def __init__(self):

@@ -57,6 +118,9 @@ class FileCommit:
          # meta data
          self._src_elem_list = []

+        # dictionary with key = line number, value = feature list
+        self.feature_info = FileDict()
      def getFileSnapShots(self):
          return self.fileSnapShots
@@ -84,6 +148,9 @@ class FileCommit:
      def setSrcElems(self, src_elem_list):

+    def set_feature_infos(self, feature_line_infos):
+        self.feature_info = feature_line_infos
      def addFileSnapShot(self, key, dict):
          self.fileSnapShots[key] = dict
@@ -116,3 +183,6 @@ class FileCommit:
      def addFuncImplLine(self, lineNum, srcLine):
          id = self.findFuncId(lineNum)
+    def findFeatureList(self, lineNum):
+        return self.feature_info.get_line_info(int(lineNum))
diff --git a/codeface/project.py b/codeface/project.py
index a311fb7..1d8c0b6 100644
--- a/codeface/project.py
+++ b/codeface/project.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ from .configuration import Configuration
  from .cluster.cluster import doProjectAnalysis
  from .ts import dispatch_ts_analysis
  from .util import (execute_command, generate_reports, layout_graph,
-        check4ctags, BatchJobPool, generate_analysis_windows)
+                   check4ctags, check4cppstats, BatchJobPool, 

  def loginfo(msg):
      ''' Pickleable function for multiprocessing '''
@@ -54,7 +54,20 @@ def project_analyse(resdir, gitdir, codeface_conf, 
                      no_report, loglevel, logfile, recreate, profile_r, 
      pool = BatchJobPool(int(n_jobs))
      conf = Configuration.load(codeface_conf, project_conf)
-    project, tagging = conf["project"], conf["tagging"]
+    tagging = conf["tagging"]
+    if collab_type is not "default":
+        # as collab_type is ignored on some tagging values we should either
+        # => throw an exception to tell the user he specified something weird
+        # => set tagging to something valid
+        if tagging is not "proximity":
+            log.warn("tagging value is overwritten to proximity because of 
+            tagging = "proximity"
+            conf["tagging"] = tagging
+    else:
+        # default is function
+        collab_type = "function"
+    project = conf["project"]
      repo = pathjoin(gitdir, conf["repo"], ".git")
      project_resdir = pathjoin(resdir, project, tagging)
      range_by_date = False
@@ -67,8 +80,11 @@ def project_analyse(resdir, gitdir, codeface_conf, 
          range_by_date = True

      # TODO: Sanity checks (ensure that git repo dir exists)
-    if 'proximity' == conf["tagging"]:
-        check4ctags()
+    if 'proximity' == tagging:
+        if collab_type is 'function':
+            check4ctags()
+        else:
+            check4cppstats()

      project_id, dbm, all_range_ids = project_setup(conf, recreate)

diff --git a/codeface/util.py b/codeface/util.py
index 7b8e4ab..9de4b5b 100644
--- a/codeface/util.py
+++ b/codeface/util.py
@@ -381,6 +381,28 @@ def check4ctags():
          log.error("Ctags version '{0}' not found".format(prog_version))
          raise Exception("Incompatible ctags-exuberant version")

+def check4cppstats():
+    """
+    check if the appropriate cppstats is installed on the system.
+    """
+    # We can not check the version directly as there is no version switch on 
+    # We just check if the first two lines of --help are OK.
+    line_1 = "usage: cppstats.py [-h] [--kind <K> | -a] [--list [LIST] | --file IN 
+    line_2 = "                   [--nobak] [--stf] [-l] [-v] [--check CHECK] 
+    cmd = "/usr/bin/env cppstats --help".split()
+    res = execute_command(cmd).splitlines()
The check for cppstats fails even though I have it installed. The
problem seems to be that the line breaking is not consistent with your
checks for line_1 and line_2. I added a log statement on the "res"
variable and the output is below.

2014-11-25 17:30:12 [codeface.util] MainProcess DEBUG: Running
command: /usr/bin/env cppstats --help
2014-11-25 17:30:13 [codeface.util] MainProcess ERROR: ['usage:
cppstats.py [-h] [--kind <K> | -a] [--list [LIST] | --file IN OUT]
[--nobak] [--norewriteifdefs] [-l] [-v] [--check CHECK] [--dall]', '',
'optional arguments:', '  -h, --help         show this help message
and exit', '  --kind <K>         the preparation to be performed
[default: general]', '  -a, --all          perform all available kinds
of preparation [default: False]', '  --list [LIST]      a file that
contains the list of input projects/folders [default:
cppstats_input.txt]', '  --file IN OUT      a source file IN that is
prepared and analyzed, the analysis results are written to OUT', '
                 (--list is the default)', '  --nobak            do not
backup files during preparation [default: False]', '', 'POSSIBLE KINDS
OF ANALYSES <K>:', '  general, generalvalues, discipline,
featurelocations, derivative, interaction', '', "OPTIONS FOR ANALYSIS
'GENERALVALUES':", '  --norewriteifdefs  rewrite nested #ifdefs and
#elifs as a conjunction of inner and outer expressions
[default=True]', '                     (exception are #else tags,
which ARE rewritten as negation of the #if branch! see also
--norewriteelse of analysis GENERALVALUES)', '', "OPTIONS FOR ANALYSIS
'DISCIPLINE':", '  This analysis counts the number of the disciplined
CPP usage in software projects. ', '  To this end, it checks xml
representations of header and source files and returns the number of
disciplined ifdefs in those. ', '', '  -l, --log          log to
stdout [default=True]', '  -v, --verbose      verbose output
[default=False]', '  --check CHECK      CHECK sets the patterns that
are checked [default=1].', '                     Supply sum of wanted
patterns:', '                     (1) check top level siblings
(compilation unit) ', '                     (2) check sibling
(excludes check top level siblings; NOT CLASSIFIED) ', '
       (4) check if-then enframement (wrapper) ', '
(8) check case enframement (conditional) ', '                     (16)
check else-if enframement (conditional) ', '                     (32)
check param/argument enframement (parameter) ', '
(64) check expression enframement (expression) ', '
  (128) check else enframement (NOT CLASSIFIED) ', '  --dall
  check all patterns [default=True] ', '                     (overrides
2014-11-25 17:30:13 [codeface.util] MainProcess ERROR: program
cppstats does not exist, or it is not working as expected (expected '
                  [--nobak] [--stf] [-l] [-v] [--check CHECK] [--dall]'
in the second line but got ''
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/au/.local/bin/codeface", line 9, in <module>
     load_entry_point('codeface==0.2.0', 'console_scripts', 'codeface')()
   File "/home/au/workspace/codeface/codeface/cli.py", line 197, in main
     return run(sys.argv)
   File "/home/au/workspace/codeface/codeface/cli.py", line 193, in run
     return args.func(args)
   File "/home/au/workspace/codeface/codeface/cli.py", line 112, in cmd_run
     args.profile_r, args.jobs, args.tagging)
   File "/home/au/workspace/codeface/codeface/project.py", line 88, in
   File "/home/au/workspace/codeface/codeface/util.py", line 411, in
     raise Exception("cppstats not found ({0})".format(error_message))
Exception: cppstats not found (expected '                   [--nobak]
[--stf] [-l] [-v] [--check CHECK] [--dall]' in the second line but got

I guess you never experienced this on your system? Maybe this check is
not very robust because it relies on having consistent line breaks.
Perhaps we need another solution.
Yep it is working fine on my system, maybe the output depends on some system defined console width. Because cppstats has no --version switch I guess it's fine if we check if the output starts with "usage: cppstats.py [-h]".
If you have an idea for a better check, please let me know.


+    if not (res[0].startswith(line_1)):
+        error_message = "expected '{0}' in the first line but got 
'{1}'".format(line_1, res[0])
+        log.error("program cppstats does not exist, or it is not working as 
expected ({0}".format(error_message))
+        raise Exception("cppstats not found ({0})".format(error_message))
+    if not (res[1].startswith(line_2)):
+        error_message = "expected '{0}' in the second line but got 
'{1}'".format(line_2, res[1])
+        log.error("program cppstats does not exist, or it is not working as 
expected ({0}".format(error_message))
+        raise Exception("cppstats not found ({0})".format(error_message))
  def generate_analysis_windows(repo, window_size_months):
         Generates a list of revisions (commit hash) in increments of the 

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