[cec_members_2014] CEC Events Sem1 Update

  • From: Curtin Engineers Club <cec.club@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cec_members_2014@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 12:12:29 +0800

Hi Everyone,

This email is for all the new additions to CEC that have little to no
details on upcoming events.

One of our main sponsors, *Jacobs SKM*, will be coming in to Curtin
University* tomorrow* *(2nd of April)* to give a presentation about a 'Day
in the Life of an Engineer' plus details on their career opportunities.
They are looking for people from geotechnical engineering, civil
engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, environmental
engineering, marine ecology and surveying so make sure you come along and
check it out. It goes from *12 noon till 1pm*, in the *Engineering Pavilion
215 room 301*, and there will be a *full lunch provided* afterwards for
those that attend.

*This Friday* *4th of April *we will be hosting a themed *Pub Crawl*. Dress
up as your favorite Superhero or Supervillain and come start the night at
Curtin TAV, before jumping on the bus to visit a few local bars and clubs,
then finish the night saving/ruining the day in Northbridge. *Tickets* are
on sale *every weekday* from *12-2pm* out front of the *Basement Cafe* in
building 204. The whole nights trip costs only $15 for members and tickets
are nearly sold out so be sure to get them when you can!

Once again we've teamed up with CCC to have a friendly game of
*Cricket*out on the *Stadium
Oval* on the *9th of April*. It's a great chance to get away from the
computers, and be entertained by people running around, mostly unsure of
what's going on around them. If you're interested in joining the team, just
let one of our awesome committee members know before or on the date, and
we'll add your name to the list. Otherwise, feel free to come down to
support our club, as we attempt to kick some CCC butt.

If you missed out on our first *Beers On The Lawn (BotL)* then, sadly,
you'll have to wait till the *23rd of May* for *BotL 2*. Again there'll be
music, a free sausage sizzle and great times that come with chilling with
your mates having a drink on the lawn. It'll all be happening at our usual
*2-6pm* out at *Upper Henderson*, so be sure to make time to come along.

If you'd like to express interest in any alternative events this semester,
just talk to one of our committee members while you're at our events; or
stop by our office, located in the *Pavilion 215* on the ground floor
during the week.

We wish you all the best in your studies this semester, and look forward to
getting to know you all better at our events this year.

Curtin Engineers Club

Attachment: SKM145_210x148-HR revised logo Jacobs SKM Feb 2014.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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  • » [cec_members_2014] CEC Events Sem1 Update - Curtin Engineers Club