<CT> Subsystems and more

  • From: "Reid Solberg" <reids@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 19:31:45 -0700

What would it take to build a 32-bit subsystem for Win 3x geared towards
more modern Windows 95 32-bit software?  $15 US expenses and 3 weeks work by
one person, obviously not, so what would be a realistic cost/hour number.
Could it be achieved realistically by a team of volunteers over the Internet
in, say 7 months?

This would be the ultimate update for Windows 3.1, allowing some software
that wouldn't run or had problems with Win32s to work.  Here's my next
question: What skills will these people need, and what should it be coded
in?  Would Delphi for Windows (1) be appropriate, as you can see, I'm not
planning to do much coding... HTML is about the extent of my knowledge.


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