<CT> Re: Sent to Support

  • From: "Rachael Kathryn MacGregor" <rachael.macgregor@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 09:20:37 -0000

 http://babel.altavista.com said:

 hello calmina friends I need information Windows 3.1 if you would tubieran
manual serious my question far better is that I have a station in work in
group that it has installed Windows 3.1, my question is that conosco of this
operating system leaves a message to me directory nonnot known at the time
of initiating secion much not and I have not managed to correct this
difficulty wanted that they say like I can obtain that me reconosca the
working directory, also wanted to know as I can change the name of secion in
Windows 3,11 or 3,1, on the other hand I have installed a server 200 Windows
advance server and is ahi where auntetifica my station with Windows 3.1

 Still takes a bit of interpreting though !!

Rachael Kathryn MacGregor
"Ok Al, why havent I leaped"

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