<CT> Re: DV1 #13 - Dos GUI + T4600C & CDLink

  • From: Pete <firststep@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 22:34:41 +0000

>Subject: <CT> Re: T4600C laptop help PLEASE!!!!

>     For laptops I mostly use DOS.  I 
>like to be able to read and write without 
>waiting more than 30 seconds, and nothing 
>else offers that. (not even linux :( )


Have you taken a look at DOS GUI stuff like 'bobby', NDE, desktop,
Icaro or Seal?

Some nice stuff there though development is a bit slow.. 'Seal' (if
work continues at a faster pace) looks quite nice.

My primary machine is now a 133 laptop with win98 but I still have a
whole gammet of DOS progs to drop out to.

> What speed is the 4600? >>
>well, I have a T1910 that is 25mhz, does fullscreen fullmotion video (need to 
>find external dvd player for LTP1:, mpg files play fine).  Need any files to 
>play movies/mp3 in dos on 25mhz or above, email me offlist.

There is a dos virtual CD driver called CDLink that allows you to
'borrow' the CD from any other PC using a laplink cable.

Start the server on the PC and the driver (in config.sys) on your
T1910 and hey-presto you will be able to access the CD in dos or
windows as if on your lapy.

I used this a lot on the 1900 to install or run software given
InterLink does not do CDs and progs like LapLink only allow transfer
and not direct reading of the CD by programs.

I have repackaged the CDLink software as I have not seen it around on
the web. It now also includes LapLink 3 (Dos) and 'Sbide.sys' as I
know this CD driver works with it...

Anyone wanting this let me know.. Or better still if someone wants to
put on their site for all to download I would be much appreciative.


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  • » <CT> Re: DV1 #13 - Dos GUI + T4600C & CDLink