<CT> Re: D55 - spreading the word

  • From: mwenechanga@xxxxxxxx
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 19:38:09 -0800

>There are a lot of issues around this now. I with my community work
>background setup a lot of older computers for the local community who
>can not afford 400mhz machines. But there are changes in that. Upto
>now £150 would have only bought a win3 capable machine yet we are now
>seeing 133mhz machines coming on the market for this which means
>This has ramifications for up and coming users. There will not be any
>basically after next year.

     There is an interesting situation though, 
I have friends who cannot possibly afford a 
pentium, even at $200.  They still horde 
floppies and closely watch their 286/386's 
for errors.  On the other hand, they have 
access to school and library computers with 
T1 lines and win95.  They use both and at 
least a couple of them still consider 
themselves in debt to me for calmira.  They 
are of course: high-schoolers.
     A unique group, they are middle class yet 
penniless.  Also, the ones I have introduced 
calmira to are devoid of interest in chat or 
discussion, and aren't interested in CT. :(
     Once they get better machines people 
lose interest, but they'll see!  I'll prove 
I'm not crazy!  I'll... Get you're hand off 
me you animals!!  I'll never go back to 
that place!! Let go of my keyb

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