<CT> Question about the Win31 list

  • From: "Brian L. Johnson" <blj8@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Calmira_Tips <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,Win31 list <win31@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 16:59:07 -0700 (MST)

Hello to all on the Calmira_Tips and Win31 lists :)

I have moved all of my lists to the Freelists server except Win31, but I
find myself hesitating to do the last move for Win31...

The reason is that there hasn't been any signifigant posting on the
Win31 list in ages, and there aren't many members in the first place.

So the question that I propose is this:
How would you all feel about
*) Closing down the Win31 list
*) Merging the membership of Win31 into Calmira_Tips
*) And opening the topic of Calmira_Tips to Calmira+general Win31 topics

Please do speak up on this, even if it is a simple "sure" or "no way".
Please don't feel that your opinion is insignifigant, I really do want
to hear it.

One request: If you are a member of both lists, please post your reply
to both lists. If you are just a member of Win31, go ahead and crosspost
anyway and ignore the automated message; I'll approve the posts to
Calmira_Tips if I see that it's related to this issue.

Happy computing with Calmira! www.calmira.org
Brian L. Johnson,  owner/admin/webmaster, etc
Visit  YOUR  Calmira site  at www.calmira.org
Brian L. Johnson

To unsubscribe, send a message to listar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with
"unsubscribe calmira_tips" in the body. 
OR visit http://freelists.dhs.org

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