<CT> [JA] Juno no longer supporting v1.49/Win 3.1 (fwd)

  • From: "Brian L. Johnson" <blj8@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Calmira_Tips <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 21:37:15 -0700 (MST)

A forward from Juno_accmail for all you Juno users... Bad news I'm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
 From: George H Lunt <>
 To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:28:05 -0800
 Reply-To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Subject: [JA] Juno no longer supporting v1.49/Win 3.1

Hi All,

I noticed awhile back that when I tried to download v1.49 I got an error
message instead saying that this information was being passed on to their
support folks, so I didn't give it much thought  However, the following
document may have been in the Juno Web site's Help section back then, but
I didn't look for it at the time.  Anyway, I thought it might interest
some of you...

Does Juno still support version 1.49 and below? Is Juno 1.49 available
for download from the Web?

The oldest version of Juno, 1.49, is no longer available for download
from the web, and we no longer support this version. All users with
operating systems Windows 95 or Windows 98 must upgrade to our most
recent release, which includes web access. If you are using Windows 3.1,
we apologize, but there is no longer a version of Juno available for
download from our site that is compatible with Windows 3.1.

Many of you using v1.49 mention not receiving hardly any new ads which
I'm sure is an ad format issue...  but I'm sure this failure to derive
income will someday lead to the death of v1.49.  And with the emphasis
Juno is putting on cost cutting of late, that day may come sooner than we
might like to think.

If your v1.49 access were to die next month... next week... tomorrow...
would you have a backup plan?  It might be time to start doing some
serious thinking along those lines.  I don't mean to scare anybody... I
have no information that this will happen soon, or ever for that matter,
but they're sure not encouraging any new Win 3.1 or v1.49 users.

George Lunt ..... so. cal.

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  • » <CT> [JA] Juno no longer supporting v1.49/Win 3.1 (fwd)