[bulug] Saturday's FSF event - Gauging interest

  • From: Ryan Mullen <rmullen@xxxxxx>
  • To: bulug-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 22:39:11 -0400

Hi all,

I've had a few people ask about the event** coming up this Saturday.
Information regarding the schedule, location, and speakers can be
found at:


I was curious to see how many people are interested in attending this.
If we can get a handful (or more), it might be nice to meet prior to
the event and travel together. We would be meeting somewhere central
at around 10:00AM, hopefully arriving at the event around 10:30AM in
time for the first talk. We would be taking the T.

Please send me an email letting me know if you're thinking of
attending so that I can get an idea of whether a group trip would be a
better idea than finding our ways individually. I think it would be
nice for the BU LUG to mobilize in support of the FSF's mission, and
since they're local to Boston, it's not too difficult for us to make
the effort.

Once I get some RSVPs, I'll send out a final email declaring the
meeting place and additional details.

Hope to hear from you,

**: This is, of course, the Free Software Foundation's Free Software
Day. Invitations are extended to anybody who is curious about or
interested in technology, Linux, the GNU projects, open source
software, and the rights of devs and users of software. These events
are held around the world, and since FSF is a Boston-based
organization, it is only right that one event takes place in town.
BU LUG: http://lug.bu.edu. To unsubscribe, email 
bulug-list-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with 'unsubscribe' in the subject field.

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