[Bristol-Birds] Great Field Day

  • From: "Rack Cross" <frogfarm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "bristol-birds" <bristol-birds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 09:15:26 -0500

Bristol Birders

Larry McDaniels, Allan Trently, Wallace Coffey and myself birded up a =
storm today, Nov. 9, 2002, from Middlebrook Lake to Musick's Campground =
and many points between! My parting stop at Musick's turned up yet =
another birding friend that I had last seen at the BBC picnic this year =
- Allen Boyington. We all had a great day in the field. My species count =
soared to 50 an above average number for me. Some of our best sightings =
of the day include:

Ross's Goose, Hooded Mergansers (Mddlebrook), Bonaparte's Gulls, Common =
Loons, Horned Grebes, Eared Grebes (Musick's), Bufflehead, American =
Wigeon, Herring Gulls, Ring-billed Gulls (Wier Dam), Loggerhead Shrike, =
American Kestrel, Fox Squirrel on a telephone pole with a mouth full of =
corn (Power Line Farm), Swamp Sparrow, Winter Wren (Cavern Road).

Two birds I deem exceptional on todays trip, just happen to be lifers =
for me! Larry McDaniels encouraged our group to search a recently plowed =
and seeded field in the Green Spring community. Upon following Larry's =
wishes we flushed up at least twenty American Pipits. This evening at =
Musick's birding with Allen Boyington a Dunlin was noticed in the small =
pool of water to the left of the point. Allen and I had scanned the pool =
no less than a dozen times before the Dunlin was able to sneak in. =
Allen's scope made the clear/close look at this life bird all the more =

'Til we bird again

Rack Cross
Blountville, TN


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  • » [Bristol-Birds] Great Field Day