[BNU] hey there

  • From: The Grand Cock Mongler <thegrandcockmongler@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: braillenote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 13:10:19 -0800

Well Well Well,
You thought you had gotten rid of all the trolls, huh? Well I hate to break the ice but you haven't. I'm the Grand Cock Mongler, and I am going to make each one of your lives a living shithole. I will be deleting this account so no need need to report me. It won't do you any good. wedhesday wedhesday nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger 666 septemhesday novemhesday h'd're wedhesday wedhesday wedhesday wedhesday wedhesday wedhesday sunhesday tuhesday yourmomhesday keynotegoldhesday jahesday sadhesday fuckhesday fuckhesday fuckhesday h'd're h'd're h'd're h'd're. Now go fuck yourself and go to hell!!! Don't forget to tell your boyfriend or girlfriend to give you a good blow job before you go to sleep tonight! Bye bye, morons! Hope you had fun! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Just for the record, I will be comming back again with another email account after I close this one, so get ready because your list is about to go down in flames along with every other list on freelists. The joke's on you now!
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