[bookshare-discuss] Re: I Am Scanning A Wish List Book

  • From: Monica Willyard <rhyami@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 08 Sep 2007 01:02:41 -0400

Hi, Cindy. I've been told that I am sick enough to be hospitalized. However, my doctor is supporting me so I can stay at home since I have medical equipment here. I've been fighting hospitalization for several reasons, and am not going unless I get to a point where their intervention will actually help me. A doctor with a different attitude would probably see me as being stubborn, but I see it as being practical, and my doctor is respecting that. My pneumonia is viral, and there isn't much they can do about that beyond decongestants and breathing treatments that I can administer myself. The antibiotics I'm taking are to prevent a secondary infection from forming. I'm also dealing with the fact that my mom is out of town, and I'd have to find somewhere for my daughter to stay if I were admitted to the hospital. Finally, I don't know if you've ever thought about this, but it isn't very restful in a hospital. It seems like it's a constant sort of turmoil with someone poking your arms for blood samples or blood pressure readings every couple of hours, the patient next door blaring their TV with a game show, and a social worker waking you up to give you written information about your condition. That's how it was when I had pneumonia in April, and I want to avoid a repeat. I already feel weak and miserable, and I don't want people waking me up unless it's really important. Staying at home lets me sleep in my own bed, make cups of hot tea when I want them, and I can still be actively involved in my daughter's life when she needs me. It does mean that I have to be consistent with my medication, and I have to keep careful records of my blood sugar and blood pressure readings. I think it's worth that to stay at home. Sorry if this got kind of long-winded. :)

Monica Willyard

Grandma Cindy wrote:
Yes, I will.

Does this mean you don't have to go to the hospital,
or is that still uncertain. Do what you have to do to
get well.

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