[bookshare-discuss] Re: Described Television

  • From: "Dianne B. Phelps" <d.bphelps@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2013 11:33:12 -0800

I live in Napa, California, Barb, and Comcast does and knows nothing here as
well. I am toying with the idea of getting rid of it.




From: barb o'connor [mailto:broconnor1972@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 7:35 AM
To: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [bookshare-discuss] Re: Described Television


Well, there must be a misunderstanding about all of this because I have
Comcast and we have no description, anywhere.  They don't even know what
you're talking about when you call and ask.  I live in Minneapolis,



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Karen Lewellen <mailto:klewellen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  

To: Ann Parsons <mailto:akp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  

Cc: bookshare-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 4:03 PM

Subject: [bookshare-discuss] Re: Described Television


1, the  law applies to the top 25 television markets not the top ten.
2, the law applies to the top five cable networks regardless, meaning you 
will get description on say TNT or USA even if you do not live in the top 
25 and  or your provider does not say include a major markets station.  if 
they do you get that as well.
3. the law applies to all cable and satellites providers  with more than a 
certain number of subscribers.  I believe it is 50k but I am not looking 
at the law as I write. I  am giving you a link tot he data though.e.
4. any affiliate can still turn on the description, it is free and simply 
needs to be done if asked.
at the site below.


this I am blind therefore I deserve pity and can steal all I 
want thinking is why  in part at least its not already in the top 50 
markets although that comes in about a year two at most...you 
are so busy stealing that you are not using the law that supports you.
Give me a break.  some of these folks have been describing shows for 
years on top of all the major films coming out each week with it.
and someone comes along blames the media industry that is supplying the 
content to cover their violation of copyright and roots it in lies like the 
below.  top ten markets indeed.

Site  again,



On Tue, 22 Jan 2013, Ann Parsons wrote:

> Hi all,
> <frowning>  Karen, your well intentioned message is disinformation.
> Yes, there was a law mandating that all carriers put DVS on their 
> programming.  Yes, it is a federal law that this be so.   However, and
> is a big, big, big, however, if you do not live in the top ten marketing 
> slots of these carriers you will get *no*, I repeat *no* described Video 
> Service.  This is the reality of the situation.  Believe me, I know. 
> Rochester is eighty, that's eighty in Time Warner's oh, so, carefully laid

> out marketing plan.  We may not see DVS until 2020.
> I, for one, am very happy to see blindy TV, thank you very much.  Laws are

> great, but if they aren't enforced and if they allow those to who it
> to drag their feet, use pompous excuses as to why they aren't implementing

> them, then the laws are worthless, period!
> Ann P.
> -- 
> Ann K. Parsons
> Portal Tutoring
> EMAIL:  akp@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> web site:  http://www.portaltutoring.info
> Skype: Putertutor
> "All that is gold does not glitter,
> Not all those who wander are lost."
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