[bookport] Re: notes folder problem

  • From: "ROB MEREDITH" <rmeredith@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 09:18:01 -0400


If this continues to occur, you might send me the file so we can see
what is going on.

Rob Meredith

>>> mek55@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 09/09/05 09:44PM >>>
Hi everyone,
I was just going into my notes folder to review something I had written

there a while ago, and the file read entirely as junk characters. 
concerned that my file no longer seems to be redable, a rather strange

thing happened when I closed the notes folder. My book port continued
repeat some of the same junk characters that it had repeated with the
when I opened a book. A reset fixed this problem, though I can
replicate it 
by going into the notes folder, trying to read the file that appears as

junk characters, closing it, and attempting to read another file.
I'm guessing something happened to that file in my notes folder and is

causing this. Is this an issue with the firmware, or perhaps another 
corrupt file?
I don't have my USB cable here to see what the file looks like on my
but will do this when I return to college on sunday.
Megan Kelly


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