[bookport] Re: The Cost of Improvement

  • From: "Scott Howell" <n3byy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 07:54:40 -0400

So ah, what's your point. Are you saying these cards are less reliable, 
are they not suited for this purpose, and no one was saying its a pda. 
I'm just pointing out there there are less expensive alternatives to the 
flash card which as far as I can tell hasn't really come down in price 
compared to other technologies for the cost. Matter of fact and I could 
very well be wrong, the cf cards are more expensive in terms of capacity 
for cost than any other card on the market.

>Hi Scott and list:
>The card you're thinking of is most likely SD cards which are now being used 
>in the HumanWare BrailleNote Mpower. They work fine in the PDA arena. Just 
>don't lose sight of the fact that a bookport isn't a PDA.

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