[blindreplay] Replay AV Times Change March 8

  • From: "hap holly" <hap@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <blindreplay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 05:11:13 -0500

This reminder is for dummies like me who forgot to reprogram the scheduled 
times  of our favorite shows in Replay AV 8.52 when the United States went to 
daylight savings time! *growl*.  As the rest of you no doubt already know when 
our Windows computer clocks in the U.S. automatically  moved ahead (except for 
Arizona and parts of Indiana) at 2:00 AM, March 8, so did Replay! Logical? Yes 
of course; frustrating? To the max!*frown*. I just spent an hour and a half 
manually  reprogramming each of the beginning and end times for my 32 scheduled 
shows! Is there a global command to tell Replay not to follow the internal pc 
clock? If this issue was already addressed, my apology.

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