[blindeudora] yhere's a strange one.

  • From: Curtis Delzer <curtis@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blindeudora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2011 22:37:04 -0500

For about the last 3 years or so, my wife has been using Eudora, but tonight, for some reason, all of a sudden her messages appear to be coming from me. Her name is Karen Delzer, mine is Curtis Delzer, and the return name, etc. is all hers, no mention inside the eudora.ini file anywhere has my name on it, but for some reason, this is happening. Any ideas? it's making her a little crazy, first, people would tease her saying all the silly things, but now it's becoming a concern. We tried re-booting, etc. no luck. So, summing up, her messages on her computer in her Eudora, come from me with her email address.


Curtis Delzer 

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