[blindeudora] how do we view embedded images in E-Mail

  • From: 4u2know <4u2know@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blindeudora@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 10:56:33 -0600

Hello! I have a question! A good friend of ours sent us an E-Mail with some awesome pictures in it, but they are not attachments. They're embedded! How do we view those? Do we have to have Microsoft Viewer on? What has to be check and unchecked to view them, if that's what we have to have?

Question 2. If he hadn't told us they were here, we wouldn't have known it because our screen readers do not tell us. I would have just read the words of the mail and then deleted it without having known there are pictures. Are the pictures in the embedded folder of Eudora those pictures? Or are those ads?

        Thanks, in advance.

Oh, but one more thing. I did have Quick Time installed at one time, and when it was installed, if I'm not mistaken, with Microsoft Viewer on, you could see the embedded images as links and you could hit enter on them.

I'm gonna be honest here. If I could install Quick Time without the Itunes stuff, I might do it. Is there a way to do that?

Oops I deviated from the subject a bit; pardon me. But if anybody can shed some light on this embedded stuff for me, I'd sure appreciate it.

God Bless,


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  • » [blindeudora] how do we view embedded images in E-Mail