[blindchristian] [New post] Quest for Truth 23 Gifts of the Spirit, with Michael Prince

  • From: Keith Heltsley <keith@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blindchristian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 16:31:55 -0500

New post on HPN

Quest for Truth 23 Gifts of the Spirit, with Michael Prince

To get a more balanced perspective on this topic, we ask Michael Prince to return to share a look at these dynamic gifts from the Pentecostal side of things.
Nathan anchors us on the side of how the Baptists see them.

Are they still valid, and in affect today? Nathan represents that all but a few have faded away. Only faith, hope, and love remain in affect. It bringsup
a slightly different intrepretation of end times prophecy, and points to why these gifts could remain in use, and in practice today. Is this small bit
of scripture being applied in two different areas? Is there room for some... or all the gifts to be in affect?

The context in Paul's discussion of the gifts in 1 Corinthians 12-14 focus on the gift of tongues. Commentaries suggest that it is the real problem that
he's addressing to the people. Nathan shares how tongues was used in a practical way in Acts 2, claiming it is the only real way the gift ought to be used
genuinely. Keith mentions tongues, and other things as a sign of being saved, and given the gift of the Holy Spirit. If you don't show one of these signs,
are you really saved?

Michael shares a few other areas where tongues are used as a sign of salvation. Also a little about prayer language, and the importance that tongues plays
in it. It brings up a clarification by Nathan regarding prayer language, and the action of the Holy Spirit praying on our behalf.

Maybe the best way to summarize the matter of tongues is that it is a personal way of god speaking, that is a benefit only to the individual. That's why
Paul claims the better gift is one where the individual speaks clearly, so all the gathering might be built up.

To not have this particular gift, or any of the gifts is no deal breaker for salvation. Not all gifts are fore every person, but none is of lesser importance
than another. Sometimes a gift may be easy to fake,, and Michael tells how to filter what's happening to tell if it's for real,

Shifting gears, we look at the gift of faith healing. It's another of those dramatic, dynamic things that can often be abused. The gold standard rule is
that if it's a healing, the person is completely healed. To claim the sick person doesn't have enough faith is a cop out, and outside the will of god.
Sometimes it's god's will to remain sick or disabled to use to keep that person humble. Sometimes the ailment is a result of our own poor behavior or bad
lift choices.

Do any of the gifts seem fake, or fraudulent? They very well can be if people try to put on a show to satisfy personal pride. But are they based on something
real and valuable? Yes. Do they all have your name on them? No, but at least four of them can still be guaranteed to belong to everybody, the gifts of:
The Holy Spirit, Love, Faith, and Hope.

How did we do? We tried to be fair, giving an honest look at different sides of the topic. Did we forget something? Did we misrepresent a point? Here's
your chance to leave a comment on the show note, use the email form on the contact page, or send one of the hosts a word directly using the information
we share at the end of the episode

| May 27, 2015 at 6:06 pm | Categories:
Quest for Truth
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  • » [blindchristian] [New post] Quest for Truth 23 Gifts of the Spirit, with Michael Prince - Keith Heltsley