[bksvol-discuss] instructions for getting the page break symbol into your jaws braille table

  • From: "Larry Lumpkin" <llumpkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 08:22:23 -0600

Save the original first.




                I made you a file following freedom's instructions.  I
strongly urge you to save the original somewhere in case this doesn't work.
Do the following assuming you're using jaws 12 or 13.


1.        Go to your programs menu and find the node entry for "jaws 12" (I
think you said you're using 12).

2.       Use right arrow to open this node and go down to "explore and open
that with right arrow.

3.       Go down to "explore program files" and right arrow to open that.

4.       Press "u" until you get to "us Unicode".

5.       Copy and paste this file to somewhere safe.

6.       Now copy "us Unicode" to somewhere where you can work on it like
your desktop.

7.       Escape out of the jaws program group and find "notepad" and open it

8.       Point notepad to the working file you saved (I suggest saving it to
the desktop).  Change "file type" to all files and "coding" to Unicode.

9.       Follow freedom's instructions from item 6 on.  I'll paste them here
for convenience.

10.   6.  type in:

11.   unicode latin

12.   and hit enter

13.   7.  You will be positioned on the following string:

14.   [Unicode Latin]

15.   Press the escape key to exit the find dialog 

16.   8.  Arrow down one line under [Unicode Latin]

17.   9.  Press the home key followed by enter to insert a blank line.

18.   10.  Up arrow to the blank line and insert the following string:

19.   U+0X000C=XXXX where X is the dot pattern such as 13456

20.   Note:

21.   If you want the symbol to be two or ever three characters, use the
string below in the place of the string outlined for 


23.   step 10.


25.   U+0X000C=13456 13 146


27.   11. Save the changes by performing control+s

28.   12.  Exit the window with the alt+f4 command 



30.   I suggest the dot patterns for "pbrk (1234 12 1235 13).

I couldn't find "edit" that was mentioned in the context menu in their
instructions so built this work-around to get the file into notepad.

Again. I strongly urge you to save the original.  Hope this helps.


Other related posts:

  • » [bksvol-discuss] instructions for getting the page break symbol into your jaws braille table - Larry Lumpkin