[bksvol-discuss] Re: OT: FYI: How I became involved in bookshare

  • From: "Julie Morales" <inlovewithchrist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 13:56:15 -0800

Hi, Cindy. I'm sure there are other dedicated volunteers, but since I only 
know of the ones on this list, I think you're at least one of the most 
dedicated ones. I know the in-house staff and volunteers are dedicated, too, 
but as far as the ones on this list...well, I know we all appreciate 
everything you do, and thanks for sharing your story. Take care.
Julie Morales
"This book (the Bible) will keep you from sin or sin will keep you from this 
book." D.L. Moody
"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has 
forgiven the inexcusable in you." C.S. Lewis
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cindy" <popularplace@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 6:03 PM
Subject: [bksvol-discuss] OT: FYI: How I became involved in bookshare

O.K., friends. Here's how one sighted volunteer found

When I retired in June of 2002, I was looking for
something to do that would be fun and useful. I went
on the computer to see if there were opportunities for
things I could do from home whenever I wanted to (as
some of you may have noticed, I'm on the computer a
lot at night). I found Project Gutenberg, and started
scanning an old book for them. I found one book, about
which I sent in information (you have to send them the
copyright info so they can make sure it's out of
copyright). It wasn't quite old enough, and a wonan
named Diane who told me that said I might submit it to
   That's how I found out about it -- it hadn't shown
up on my computer search of volunteer opportunities
--and I've been "working" for bookshare ever since.
  The first thing I did was to validate a biography of
Aaron Copland. I thought it would be more interesting
than it was. To show how stupid and thoughless I was,
I kept going to google to check the spelling of the
names of various composers, critics, personalities. I
knew many,  but there were many I didn't know. I was
about two-thirds of the way through the book when I
suddenly realized that I could get the book from the
library and it would be much faster to check that way.
How stupid can one be.

I started by scanning books that were on the teachers'
request list and then books that people on the list
requested, and I pre-validate everything I scan before
submitting them. But I much prefer validating, and so
since so many people like to scan and there are so
many books to be validated, I'm just doing that,
except when books are missing pages or chapters -- or
has happened once, half the book.

Allison also asked if I've learned a lot about
blindness, and yes, I have -- about blindness, and
technological devices. I had known one blind person
years ago who had lost his sight in puberty (I don't
remember the name of the condition or disease) and
had, despite that, become a very successful attorney
and husband and father, so I knew what blind people
were capable of -- and that was before all the
technology now available.As the author of First Lady
of the Seeing Eye wrote, there were only canes and
human assistants to help him.  I don't believe he ever
got a dog, at least I never saw him with one -- just
his wife.

Allison also asked how to get other sighted people to
help. I haven't been able to. I've suggested it as
something to do to other volunteers at the library; to
friends who have recently retired; and to people who
come into the library bookstore, but as far as I know,
no one has signed up.



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