<USS Avalon> "Welcome Aboard"

  • From: CamtheTreknut@xxxxxxx
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 23:58:17 EDT

Welcome  Aboard
        Cailin had just finished a light  lunch when she heard the 
announcement that the crew of the Avalon  were free to begin boarding their new 
ship. A 
smile graced her features, as  she could imagine a cheer ringing out all over 
Izar Station from those the  message was intended for.
        By the time she had packed her few belongings  and headed for the 
airlock between the station and the ship, a long line had  already formed. It 
looked like there was someone at the head of the line giving  
directions---perhaps one of the Ship's Services officers telling everyone where 
 their quarters 
were. When at last it was her turn at the head of the line, she  found out she 
was right.
        "Hello, Counselor," the crewman said. "Bet  you're glad to be getting 
on board finally, eh?"
        Cailin smiled. "I'm certain the entire crew  feels that way."
        "No kidding," said the young man with a grin.  He then consulted the 
padd he held. "Your quarters are on Deck 24, cabin 24-27.  And your offices 
are on Deck 23." 
        Cailin nodded. It made sense for her quarters  and her office to be 
close together. "Thank you, Crewman."
        "You're welcome, Counselor. And welcome  aboard."
        Walking through the connection tube, Cailin  made her way to a 
turbolift. She knew the umbilical was connected to the saucer  section of the 
and that she had about ten or twelve decks to go down  before she reached her 
office, and another yet before she would get to her  quarters. Deciding to 
stop at her new home first, she took the lift down, and  once she found the 
cabin, keyed the door open. It was a fair bit  larger than the cabin she'd 
been assigned on the Avalon-B. The  living area (which included a small dining 
area to the right) had to  be at least fifteen paces across and twice that in 
length. Walking to her left,  she found, much to her delight, that the bedroom 
contained a full-size bed  rather than a single or twin, and that there was a 
bedside stand  on either side of it. There was a wardrobe built into the wall 
opposite the  door, and another door that led into the bathroom. She was 
further pleased to  see that guests, should she have opportunity to entertain 
would not have to  walk through her bedroom to use the facilities, as there 
was both an entrance  from the bedroom and the living room.
        Cailin peeked out into the living area  once more. Set along the 
corridor wall was a desk, where she could work from her  quarters. The 
was, of course, standard Starfleet-issue, but if this  assignment worked out, 
if luck went her way, it wouldn't look so drab for long.  With a sigh, she 
plopped the duffel up on the bed, opened the wardrobe, and  began to unpack.
        That's when she got the summons. It was from  Ketchum.
        "Counselor Danaan, please report to my  ready room at once."

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  • » <USS Avalon> "Welcome Aboard"