<USS Avalon> Passing time

  • From: Debra Mosqueda <mightymidgie@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: avalon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 18:19:25 -0700 (PDT)

Josh continued to wander throughout the night and into the day as the base's 
lighting dictated it, passing the time as well as he could until Ketchum called 
him to his home, to the ship and engineering where he could escape the madness 
that seemed determined to close in and lose himself in his work. He snuck into 
the engineering areas to work - just another anonymous crewman. He tapped into 
the systems to find out the condition of the crew. He downloaded and memorized 
the specs on their new ship. He tinkered and toyed with this system and that, 
finding ways to keep hands and mind busy enough not to think of anything but 
the work he was doing. When at last there was nothing more he could do without 
getting caught, he found other things to occupy his mind. He worked out in the 
gym and the holosuites, and worked on upgrades in the holosuites as well. He 
explored the arboretum. He even managed to peek in at sickbay to find out how 
the stowaway and Mac's kids were. What he
 didn't do was return to his quarters. He stayed away from those who knew him, 
avoiding the confusing, convoluted mess that people represented.  He stayed 
away from his life. It was messy. And anyone who knew Josh knew full well that 
Josh didn't do messes.

                            I am wounded but I am not dead
  I will lay me down and bleed awhile
  then I will rise up and fight again

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