• From: Bruce Cook <cookcomm@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: authorme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 16:22:06 -0600

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*In this issue... Marketing your Self-published Book*
*The Hard Grind - Marketing your Self-Published Book,* by Derek Haines

While self publishing has given authors and writers all the tools necessary
to publish a quality ebook or paperback, there is one element that remains
a stumbling block. Getting a book to sell. Book marketing is  tough, hard
work, competitive and cut throat. If that’s not enough, it can also be very

Of course we all hear about the ‘outliers’ that have got lucky such as
Amanda Hocking and E L James, but these are rarities. However in saying
that, they didn’t achieve success without a lot of hard work either.

Self published authors have no choice but to face up to the onerous task of
promoting themselves. However, traditional publishers are now cutting back
on their book marketing budgets, so more and more of their authors are
having to use social media to ‘flog’ their wares. It’s becoming a level
playing field.

So what can you do to give your book a chance? Here are a few ideas that
might help.

   1. Write a great book. This may sound trite, but it’s the very first
   ingredient in getting a book to sell. Knowing what readers will like isn’t
   easy, so don’t expect that just because you’ve written a book, that it will
   sell well. In my own case, my favourite book of mine is my worst seller, so
   what would I know?
   2. Social media is a must. If no one knows about you or your book, how
   will readers find you? Social networking is a ‘one thing leads to another’
   tool, so by continually expanding your contacts you help build your author
   3. Have more than one Twitter account. Keep your personal account for
   interacting and adding a little marketing, but have one or two more that
   you can use for more direct marketing. You always hear that people hate
   ‘spam’ accounts on Twitter. Well, I have five accounts I use regularly for
   marketing only, with a combined following of over 100,000 so I don’t think
   the theory holds at all. The more people who see your name the better. The
   old adage that any publicity is good publicity is very true.
   4. Set up accounts on all social media sites related to books.
   Goodreads, AuthorDen, Shelfari or any other you find. Also use sites such
   as Stumbleupon, Pinterest, Google+ and Facebook. All of these will add to
   your search engine listings and get your name ‘out there’. Set up a Google
   Alert for your own name so you can be notified whenever your name is listed
   on a new search engine entry.
   5. While a website is a useful central resource of information about an
   author and their books, a blog is much more dynamic and should be the
   conduit through which all book marketing is driven. Having new blog posts
   circulated through a number of social networks is a great way to expand
   reach and attract new readers.
   6. Free books should never be seen as giving away money. They should be
   viewed as an introduction of your writing and your name to new readers, and
   the more the better. Even if an author has only one title, a free book
   offer can help build a base of readers for the second and third books. I
   use Kindle’s KDP Select program, and when I offer any of my titles for
   free, I’m pleased if 500 readers download the book. I’m even happier when
   5,000 do. And thrilled if 20,000 do. The more the better.
   7. Pay for some exposure, but within reason and your budget. There are
   many options available to buy advertising or promotion, and high traffic
   sites can really boost exposure for your name and title. I’ve used a few
   sites to promote my free ebooks on Kindle and have to say that the number
   of downloads increased dramatically.
   8. Always be positive and never enter into conflict on any platform.
   Arguing, criticising and being obnoxious are sure fire routes to failure.
   Never ‘flare’ on the Internet as comments made in a temper will last
   forever on the Internet and tarnish your reputation. Ignore bad reviews,
   nasty comments and trolls. Rise above their level always.
   9. Write another, and better book.
   10. Lastly, set yourself a time limit each day for marketing and don’t
   let it take over your life. Two hours maximum because you have a family and
   more books to write.

Derek Haines

Email: derekhaines@xxxxxxx

Web: www.derekhaines.ch


    Publishing Emerging Writers

    December, 2013 (No. 1401)

    Publisher: Cookcomm - Bruce L. Cook, 7337 Grandview Ct.,

    Carpentersville, IL 60110 USA

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