atw: Re: Word's Manage Styles dialog box

  • From: Rhonda Bracey <rhonda.bracey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2011 14:11:07 +0800

Hi Howard

In addition to Manage Styles, don't forget to click on the Options button (to 
the right of the Manage Styles button on the Styles pane). You can then set to 
only show the Recommended styles, for example. And turn off all those 
formatting check boxes while you're at it!

Then go to Manage Styles and on the Recommend tab, hide those you don't use 
(but are built-in and that you can't delete <grrr>), and try selecting the 
check box for 'Show recommended styles only' -- that should narrow your list 
somewhat. And change the sort order here and in that earlier Options window to 
Alphabetical if you read an alpha list better than one sorted by priority 
numbers, which you can never seen on the styles pane anyway!

Some of these suggestions may help, but unfortunately, I don't think you can 
delete or even hide those darned built-in table/theme styles. Personally, I 
wish Microsoft would put them on a separate tab to get them out of the 
paragraph/character styles list.


Rhonda Bracey
CyberText Newsletter/blog:<>
Author-it Certified Consultant

From: austechwriter-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:austechwriter-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Howard Silcock
Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2011 1:39 PM
To: austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: atw: Word's Manage Styles dialog box

Has anyone had success in using the Manage Styles dialog box in Word 2007 
(don't know if it's any different in W2010)?

Every time I've tried using it, I've been overwhelmed by the number of styles 
listed and ended up ignoring it. Finally I decided maybe it just needed a bit 
of tweaking to make it work for me. It looked as though it should provide a way 
to suppress the listing of all those styles that I never actually use, but the 
more I play with it, the more it seems to want me to keep them!

I usually work with documents that use only a limited number of styles. The 
Manage Styles dialog box lets you assign your own priorities for styles, so you 
think you'd be able to suppress all those you don't want. So why does the 
Manage Styles dialog box insist on listing all the crazy Microsoft built-in 
styles (with names like Light Shading - Accent 3, Medium Grid 1 Accent 4, etc) 
along with the styles you're actually using? And, more to the point, why 
doesn't it let you use the Hide Until Used and Move Down buttons on them? If 
you select one of the crazy styles, these buttons are greyed out! (Is it simply 
unthinkable to want to hide a built-in Microsoft style?)

Has anyone found a way to tame this dialog box and make it useful?


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