atw: Re: One more time , for the doubters

  • From: Neil Maloney <maloneyn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: austechwriter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:50:25 +1000

Looks like scary stuff, didn't they have that in Orwell's 1984? Is there a version that runs on the iPhone (it seems to run on about just everything else)? I used to write SQL queries, so long ago now that those particular brain cells have reincarnated a couple of times then finally gone on to Nirvana (or Samsara, if you prefer, refer to Good luck with the effort, if you smell smoke, that's only the brain overheating ...


On 31/08/2011 10:40 PM, Bill Parker wrote:
Me too.   I am trying to figure out Reveloc, a transport software using GPS to follow truck fleets only we only have bush fire brigades to worry about.
On 31/08/2011, at 8:29 PM, Neil Maloney wrote:

Ah! Thank you, I'll decline. (Busy with aviation now anyway.)

Always happy to show my ignorance!


On 31/08/2011 10:30 PM, Bill Parker wrote:
Thats Mass Spectrometry....
On 31/08/2011, at 7:39 PM, Neil Maloney wrote:

On 31/08/2011 9:19 PM, Bill Parker wrote:
We need an MS expert, do you want a job?

I did PKI for 3 years at Baltimore Technologies until the tech wreck in 2000 (the sad story can be found in Wikipedia on, and after having to cope with the X.509 standard /  certificate structure, private keys, public keys, secret keys, certificate farms, the Federal Government GATEKEEPER project, SHA-1 and RSA, Oracle Client, IIS4.0, server-side SSL, PKCS#11 and PKCS#12 file formats plus needing to write final manuals from bare bones software specifications and summarised use cases halfway through builds, it takes a little bit more to befuddle me nowadays before I give up on finding information / understanding things. (Hello to the ex-BT people out there on the list, yes I do mean YOU, looking forward to lunch on the 23rd !!!).


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