(no subject)

  • From: "Jones, Thomas" <thomas.jones.08@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "au-compsci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <au-compsci@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 12:03:19 +0000

This was the first meeting of just the board what we discussed follows

Alicia was unable to attend

We are meeting in the bobbin for a nice cosy

Whats been Happening:
        Steven attend treasurer training and Learnt some interesting facts
                Its all on stevens head, if we balls up.
                        - Shit loads of grants available, something like 22,000 
to spend. We could probably manage
                          got get a fair amount.
                        - There is a warehouse available for societies storage. 
This is good for some of our plans
                        - We net a minibus

                They are all up for the HELPDESK so is everyone else, but we 
cant go further becuase we dont have any
                of alicas contacts. "OpenHelpDesk"

        Bank Account
                Alica is needed for the bank account. There doesnt seem to be 
anyway to to this without her, and
                hospitalisation is getting in the way. Otherwise progress would 
be good

        Members Fees
                We need to figure out where our debts are going to be for the 
next year.
                        - Rackspace for a shell server
                        - If not web space
                        - Domain registration fees

                Email SMJ and consult about domain registration.

                Declan will have a flyer as soon as time permits; trying for 
the next week
                Money from start up fund, will go towards flyers, steven will 
take of his pocket for the moment to cover
                the costs of advertising.
                We get photocopying discount from the societies place

                Apparently we need a different name, people are just too stupid 
awesomeness. openDevNight is the new name
                by decision of all board members.
                 - We need to start giving tutorials in the meetings.
                        Program Style
                        Operating Systems, tools that fit the job versus doing 
                        The advantages of Unix
                        Networking - Intro to Network stacks

                Move it to a monthly event
                 - Give talks about a subject then fire off to using it.

Close it up 15:00

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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