[ARMini-support] 4k is here, and very usable

  • From: A Rawnsley <rcomp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: armini-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2015 13:37:02 +0100

If you keep track of adverts for high definition TVs and monitors,
you'll have heard the term "4k". It refers to screen resolutions of
3840x2160 - ie. 4x the amount of pixels compared to 1080p.

My ARMX6 is displaying a very usable 4k desktop, and things like the
Artworks apple remains blindingly fast. Even zoomed in!

Even more excitingly, for the first time, we're able to appreciate the
double-detail "Sprites11" artwork that ships with RISC OS and many
applications. This is designed for double-dpi screen modes, where you
sacrifice 3/4 of the "real estate" for double the details. This was
effectively useless on ordinary 1080p screens (960x540 isn't a useful
desktop size), but for 4k, this works out at a full 1080p desktop in
double detail. It looks drop-dead-gorgeous.

The RISC OS font manager looks *stunning* in these modes, and suddenly
all this high definition artwork that was previously lying dormant in
the OS is able to come out and shine.

If you have any interest in this, please contact me and I can supply
the necessary ARMX6 OS update, and suitable MDF. And of course, sell
appropriate monitors.

If 4k is too much, this also allows 2560x1440/60hz resolution "2.5k"
which is a really nice step up from 1080p.

In case you can't tell, I'm really quite excited! :)


22 Robert Moffat, High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 6PS
Tel: 01925 755043 Fax: 01925 757377 http://www.rcomp.co.uk
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  • » [ARMini-support] 4k is here, and very usable - A Rawnsley