[argyllcms] How is delta E calculated in colprof?

  • From: Stephen T <stwebvanuatu@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Argyll CMS <argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 04:22:33 -0700 (PDT)


I have calculated delta E 2000 from the colprof output (option -y) in a 
spreadsheet and with Bruce Lindbloom's web-based calculator:



Both of the above are consistent but colprof's delta E values are different and 
do not match DE76 and DE94 either.

Which delta E is colprof reporting? The documentation states only that "a 
summary of the average and maximum Lab delta E's will be printed out if this 
flag [-y] is set".

Is colprof applying any weighting to the DE00 calculation: KL, KC, KH not equal 
to 1.0?


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