[arachne] Re: [a4dos-list] Re:Re: OT

  • From: "Henry T. Carmichael" <carmih@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2005 09:57:58 -0400

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

Sam Ewalt wrote:
> Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!
> Testing. Is this list still alive? Please respond if you read this.
> On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 07:19:48 -0000, wizard57m@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!
>>Don't worry!  No use adding to grey hairs, hehe!
>>By the way, FWIW, the items you pointed out in your=20
>>original post, especially lack of digest mode, were what
>>played a key role in my search for a different host for
>>an Arachne Mailing List after the demise of the originals=2E
>>I founded the Freelists group, did everything required to=20
>>get it up and running using Arachne even!  I still belong=20
>>to the Calmira II Online group hosted by Freelists as=20
>>well=2E  I've had very little problems with them, other than
>>at the moment a couple of list members are having=20
>>difficulties posting messages=3F=3F=3F  Don't know why, YET!
>>BTW, when a "DGI" is mentioned, what they should tell=20
>>you is a DGI is basically a DOS BATCH program, which=20
>>calls external utilities, although a few were written for
>>"online" use, similar to CGI scripting for forms and such=2E
>>The mail sorting DGI is part of an "APM", which I myself
>>never downloaded or installed=2E
>>C U L8R!
>>Wiz  <{;-)
>>ps=2E=2E=2Ethis message CC'd to Freelists group
>>---- Original Message ----
>>From: scottwarnick@comcast=2Enet
>>To: arachne4dos@coollist=2Ecom
>>Subject: RE: [a4dos-list] Re:Re: OT
>>>Since I've already replied to LD about 3 times on this matter=2E I want
>>>just let things settle down=2E
>>>I will say that I didn't know I had the about the secondary problem,=20
>>>even enough to ask whether I had a secondary problem=2E Apologies=2E
>>>Did I ask for help=3F I thought that was exactly what I was doing=2E=20
>>>Did I say what was on my mind at the time, exactly the way LD
>>>I am bothered by being invited to exit the list and by LD's=20
>>>accusations--yes, but being misconstrued is part of the price of
>>>in a community=2E
>>>I also want to say that I just noted (to my chagrin) that I didn't=20
>>>change the subject line for my initial message when I changed topics,
>>>nor have
>>>I been trimming down the re's=2E
>>>"Self discipline is the hardest of virtues=2E"
>>>L=2E D=2E Best wrote:
>>>>Scott has a basic problem:  He can't download all his e-mail=2E
>>>>Scott has a secondary problem:  He hasn't added the sorting DGI to=20
>>>>handle the e-mail he does download=2E
>>>>Instead of coming in here an bemoaning how inconsiderate all we=20
>>>>Arachne users are, might he not have stated his problems and asked
>>>>Did he as for help=3F  No =2E=2E=2E He blamed all his problems on peopl=
>>>>posting things he wasn't interested in, people behaving like a
>>>>of companions with some common background and some common goals=2E
>>>>He asked for things that aren't necessary, or are necessary and are
>>>>already being done -- and he would have known that if he'd bothered
>>>>pay attention on the list in the first place=2E
>>>>There is more than one way to be OT on the list=2E
>>>>P=2ES=2E  Scott made an issue out of "it" whatever he preceives "it" to=
>>>>Ray Andrews wrote:
>>>>>On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 21:23:50 +0000, L=2E D=2E Best wrote:
>>>>>>Look, how many times has someone come in with a problem, ASKED
>>>>>>and been ignored=3F   NEVER as far as I can recall=2E
>>>>>>If someone needs help they should ask, instead of moaning and
>>>>>>about how well this list is or is not "kept on the straight &
>>>>>>>>At one time we were going to use the Freelist for 'on topic'
>>>>>>>>the Coollist for chat, too bad that didn't work out=2E
>>>>>Well, it's too bad IMHO=2E  Like Sam, I enjoy the B=2ES=2E here but I =
>>>>>think Scott is not out of place wishing he could sort out the
>>>>>'hard' stuff from the banter=2E  There's no need to make some sort
>>>>>issue out of it=2E
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>>Arachne at FreeLists
>>-- Arachne, The Web Browser/Suite for DOS and Linux --
> Arachne at FreeLists
> -- Arachne, The Web Browser/Suite for DOS and Linux --
Read and understood.

Henry Carmichael

Arachne at FreeLists
-- Arachne, The Web Browser/Suite for DOS and Linux --

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