[arachne] Re: Arachne 1.87 crashes when reaching the end of the 'sent mail' list

  • From: Jason Dodd <jasorn@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 18:07:13 -0600

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

Try this link for fish fillets:

And this one for other mostly free and/or open source games. It's called the linux game tomb but many of hte games run on windows, too.

And then there's the home of the underdogs:

L.D. Best wrote:

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!


Thanks for the heads up on the two games. Now I'll warn everyone else on the list that getting Fish Fillets is a royal pain, and if they want to try it (assuming they *have* a 'Doze system) they should contact me so I can set up a direct d/l URL for them from my shell account. I spent what felt like forever staring at a screen telling me I should pay $6.95 a month for "Mercury Downloads" so that I could get them at faster than the capped 500Kbs. Imagine what it's like to have high speed service and have to wait for those speed to download 275MBytes of file. I hope it is worth the effort!! <G>

I found Enigma! far more easily; CNet doesn't cap download speeds either. (Warning: this is *not* Enigma:Rising Tide)

Now I'm off to get some lunch started (had b'fast about midnight) and will work on installing the games while the beans & ham are heating.

P.S. Review may follow later
P.P.S. Found a link on "How Do I Remove..." for the files that alledgedly are part of XP itself. I carefully copied the instructions to an offline file, and start to follow the step-by-step given. Only one problem: Neither of the choices, given by M$Nidiots as to where/how to uninstall, exist on my system. Don't you just LUV Windoze???!! NOT!!

Jason Dodd wrote:

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

I have similar experiences with linux and windows. I'll complain about how something is annoying in linux(the system I use for all my personal use). Then I'll have the occasion to do the same kind of thing in winxp. Most often than not I end up thinking, "Maybe it wasn't so bad in linux after all." :)

To be fair, the blame is shared between windows itself and software developers.

Having said that, I think it's fair to point out specific parts of a good program that you'd like to see improved.

Can't afford to buy logic type games? Have you tried fish fillets and enigma? They're both free for the downloading and pretty good.

Arachne at FreeLists -- Arachne, The Web Browser/Suite for DOS and Linux --

-- Jason Dodd


Arachne at FreeLists -- Arachne, The Web Browser/Suite for DOS and Linux --

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