[amc] Sing-a-long

  • From: ldabraham <ldabraham@xxxxxxx>
  • To: amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2011 20:40:51 -0600

Valentine's Day Sing-A-Long

There are lots of great love songs (for sweethearts, for the earth, for each 
other, for children, etc.) so let's get together for another community supper 
and sing-a-long.  Bring your ideas for songs. We'll use lyrics.com and project 
the words so no need for song sheets.  Suzannah can play whatever we can hum. 
You are welcome to bring guitars and other instruments.

When: next Saturday, Feb. 12     6 pm supper,  7 pm singing starts

What: Supper & Singing--We'll have rice and beans available---
                Let me know if you'd like to bring a salad.
                Feel free to bring something if you'd like, but it's not 
                We keep community suppers simple.

RSVPs help us know how many chairs to recruit, but if your plans change and you 
are suddenly available and haven't responded, please come anyway.

Hope you can make it.  

Cheers, Dolly & Larry


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  • » [amc] Sing-a-long - ldabraham