[amc] Lord, Deliver Us From Your "Followers"

  • From: "Ray Gingerich" <RGingerich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Austin Mennonite Church" <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 22:33:31 -0500









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            Jesus, Jihadis, and the Red-State Blues 
            By Steve Weissman 
            t r u t h o u t | Perspective 

            Thursday 29 July 2004 

            In this week of John Kerry's nomination, we should all give 
President Bush his due. Iraq boils up in his face. Over half his fellow 
Americans now think his war wrong-footed, if not pig-headed. Spies and other 
professional observers openly confirm what a few of us amateurs warned from the 
start, that American troops in Iraq give bin Laden an unbeatable banner to 
recruit his suicidal Fools of God. And from within Washington's most secret 
places, loose lips let slip how Team Bush consistently misled the American 
people about everything from Saddam's weapons to how the United States tortures 
captives around the world while observing "the spirit of the Geneva 
Conventions." Yet the stalwart Mr. Bush soldiers on, bravely telling the same 
tall tales, now about Iran as well as Iraq. 

            Critics accuse him of lying: I fear worse. Either Mr. Bush still 
believes the intoxicating fables that Iraqi exiles fed to Cheney, Rumsfeld, and 
the neo-conservative crapologists, or else he feels no need to get facts 
straight as long as he does the Lord's Work. Having followed his "higher 
Father" into a faith-based war in Iraq, the poor Prophet Bush now casts his eye 
across the Euphrates, waiting for Revelation and listening to Iranian 
expatriates, some of whom work with the shadowy spies of Gen. Sharon. 

            Ah, Babylon. We are, it would seem, approaching the End Time, for 
which millions of American Christians fervently pray. The Israelites have 
rebuilt their kingdom, as prophesized, and Jesus will soon return to earth, 
where He will raise his believers bodily into the heavens in what they call the 

            That is the good news. The bad, at least to me, is that two-thirds 
of the Hebrews - having rejected Christ again - must perish in their Great 
Tribulation. Satan the Anti-Christ, Armageddon, and eternal damnation to 

            Scoff at your peril. Apparently, our president doth not. Nor do his 
fundamentalist mentors, from the Rev. Billy Graham and son Franklin to Jerry 
Falwell, Pat Robertson, and a host of others, all Christian Zionists and 
staunch supporters of the Jewish State. Now we see the hot times they have in 
mind for Jews. 

            How far does Mr. Bush go with this "dispensational theology," as 
believers call it? No one seems to know. But he swims in their Apocalyptic 
current, which might explain why he so blithely gives the Islamic jihadis the 
endless war they crave. 

            Believers in a radically politicized jihad, or holy war, fervently 
seek a righteous, rejuvenated Islam, one that recaptures all lands that Moslems 
once ruled, especially those now dominated by Jews and Christian "crusaders." 
Organizing themselves for over a hundred years in clandestine groups like the 
Muslim Brotherhood, the jihadis directly shaped both Hamas and al-Qaeda. But 
now thanks to Mr. Bush, his overly militarized War on Terror, his use of 
torture and sexual humiliation, and his sending troops to occupy Iraq, the once 
small minority has gained greater support among the world's Moslems than anyone 
could have reasonably expected. 

            Believers in the End Time desperately need Israel to keep hold of 
the Holy Land, or else - as they read Biblical prophecy - Jesus will not return 
to whisk them away. A quintessentially American messianic movement reaching 
back to the 1830s, the End-Timers historically shied away from politics. But 
now they regularly mobilize the Republican faithful and boast of a 
fellow-traveler in the White House. With bin Laden filling in for the 
Anti-Christ, no wonder they look to the most powerful nation on earth to give 
them other-worldly hope. 

            The two groups of holy warriors - Islamic and Christian - reinforce 
each other at every turn, holding the rest of the world hostage. Except in 
their often brilliant use of political tactics, neither lives by reason. Both 
threaten those of us who try. 

            Make no mistake: Their competing holy wars are not - or at least 
not yet - a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. Without the 
politically polarizing impact that Mr. Bush has created among Moslems the world 
over, the jihadis would have little hope of successfully hijacking Islam. 
Without his radically breaching the wall that has, however inconsistently, 
separated church and state in America, the End-Timers would still have freedom 
to believe what they want, but no easy way to impose it on how Washington walks 
in the world. 

            Mr. Bush makes the difference. Believing he hears the Voice of God, 
he encourages two groups of diametrically opposed religious zealots to drag us 
all into their Apocalypse. Stop the World, said the playwright. I want to get 

            To be fair, the End-Timers hardly stand alone in pushing Mr. Bush's 
buttons. He also listens to the secular neo-conservatives, who - more than 
anyone - sold him on the glories of a new, beneficent, and wonderfully 
profitable American empire, beginning in Iraq. He also does the bidding of the 
Pentagon's favorite base-builders and weapons-makers, the media cartels, his 
and Mr. Cheney's friends in Big Oil, and a fundraisers list of other corporate 
greedsters. Fit ENRON in where you will. 

            But, all this is American politics as usual, and the Democrats have 
their own fat cats and sacred cows. What's new - and terrifyingly different - 
is the irrationality the End-Timers bring, and how Mr. Bush answers their 
prayers in the Middle East. 

            Truly believing in a real-time Jesus and his Rapture, the 
End-Timers will never willingly walk away, no matter how much they endanger the 
rest of us. Nor will the Islamic jihadis. We, their hostages, have to stop them 
both, demanding nothing less than a return to reason, both in the White House 
and the Middle East. 

            The first step, but only the first, will come in working night and 
day to elect the eminently reasonable John Kerry, who has the good grace to 
keep his religious beliefs to himself, at least most of the time. As deeply as 
I oppose his dangerously open-ended commitment to keep American troops in Iraq 
until it becomes secure, we would have to be as grossly irrational as Mr. Bush, 
or as high as his "higher father," to leave the present bunch anywhere near the 
levers of power. The risks are much too great. 

            Voting in Florida in the last election, I cast my ballot for Ralph 
Nader. Voting absentee this year, but still in Florida, I hope to undo at least 
some of the chaos I helped to create. 

            The second step begins November 3, the morning after the election. 
Should Bush win, those of us who oppose his self-righteous ways must build the 
kind of grassroots movement that can limit the damage he does, whether in Iraq, 
Iran, or our American homeland. Should Kerry win, we must create the same 
political groundswell, forcing him to accept the reality of Iraq. No matter how 
reasonable he tries to be, the nationalistic Iraqis will not accept foreign 
domination, whether the occupying forces come from America, Europe, or their 
Arab neighbors. And the longer Washington tries to make Iraq secure, the 
stronger the jihadis will grow. 

            The third step is by far the most difficult. We must work with 
those Israelis and Palestinians who seek to compromise, and find a solution 
that a majority on each side can accept. The Geneva Accord is a good place to 
start, and we should press Washington to support it as part of a more 
even-handed approach. 

            If we are ever to isolate the Islamic Fools of God, we can have no 
higher priority than finding a mutually acceptable end to the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which - whether we like it or not - will mean 
dividing the Holy Land between the two peoples. Without a viable Palestinian 
state living in peace with Israel, the jihadis will have a festering sore to 
exploit, gaining the ear of millions of Muslims who would otherwise reject 

            Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists, right-wing Israeli 
settlers, and Christian Zionists will all object to getting only part of what 
they think their due. The Palestinians and Israelis will each have to 
forcefully curb their own die-hards, and we Americans will have to gently 
quarantine ours. If rationally fighting terror and making a just peace delays 
the return of Jesus and his Rapture, the End-Timers had best pray for their 

            A veteran of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and the New Left 
monthly Ramparts, Steve Weissman lived for many years in London, working as a 
magazine writer and television producer. He now lives and works in France, 
where he writes for t r u t h o u t.  

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 "There is no way to peace; peace is the way."  A. J. Muste

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