[amc] Case Closed: CASA

  • From: Wilson Tan <wilsontanhp@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 11:40:59 -0600

Hi friends,
Please join me in celebrating the successful dismissal of my second CASA
case and reunification of another family in Austin.  Leaving the court
today, it is almost year-to-date when I accepted this case in May 2004.  My
heartfelt thanks for your prayers this past year.
1) Build self-respect.  Feeling powerlessness is degrading and it is
terrible to be put in a position to have to prove your worth against a
stoic, stringent rulebook.  I can¹t be a better parent on their behalf but I
can be a source of encouragement and support.
2) Expect the best.  Of everyone involved: parents, CPS, lawyers, therapist,
doctors, etc -- including myself.
3) The system is like a revolving door: once in, it takes concerted time and
money, both of which are precious resources, to leave the system¹s
gravitational pull.  To the extent that I can provide a human face to the
system, I¹ve the deepest respect for all who work towards a better, safer
What¹s next?  I¹ll be taking a break from CASA volunteerism.  However, CASA
is moving to a new site and I might get involved in its fundraising
communications.  So, don¹t be surprised if I approach you for funds towards
a wonderful cause!
Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)
Volunteer -- www.casatravis.org/volunteer.html

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  • » [amc] Case Closed: CASA