[amc] Bush Finally Makes a Pardon

  • From: "Ray Gingerich" <RGingerich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Austin Mennonite Church" <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 21:06:47 -0600


In the following, NCADP recalls that Bush's favorite political philosopher was 
Jesus. Hmmm?!?! I was thinking that maybe we should start a campaign to get 
every Mennonite Congregation in the US to donate a copy of Politics of Jesus to 
Mr. Bush. What do you think?

            Millions to Kill ... Pennies to Heal

            Can you give a few pennies this holiday season? 


            Is This Compassionate Conservatism? 
            Human Condemned As Bush Pardons Poultry 

            November 25, 2003

            Yesterday, a politician who has approved the executions of 155 
human beings was moved to spare the life of a bird. 

            And at almost the same hour the White House Thanksgiving turkey 
received its traditional executive clemency, a man spirited by Bush's Attorney 
General from Maryland to Virginia for the avowed purpose of executing him was 
duly condemned to lethal injection. 

            Compassion? Looks like that's up to you. Luckily, you can provide a 
much-needed dose by becoming a member or making a holiday gift to the National 
Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. 

            There are two easy ways to contribute: 

              a.. Make an instant gift over the Internet through our secure web 
form at http://www.donate.net/ccn/basket.asp?dept_id=617 

              b.. Use our printable donation form at 
           Although the turkey is safe, the President does believe children 
should be eligible for the death penalty.  
            Animal Farm?


            Presidential mouthpiece J. D. Estes had this moment of inadvertent 
lucidity during the "Ask the White House" online chat about turkey pardons. 

            Clancy, from Pheonix, AZ [sic] writes: 
            Has the President ever pardoned any animal other than the turkey? 

            J. D. Estes
            Not that we have been able to determine.  
      As Governor of Texas, George W. Bush authorized 152 executions. Men and 
women. Adult and child offenders. Non-triggermen, the mentally ill, prisoners 
whose lawyers fell asleep on them and whose prosecutors cooked the evidence 
against them. More than a few who went to the gurney maintaining their 
innocence, some with DNA samples the state refused to re-test. But don't worry: 
he's pretty sure they were all guilty.

      Since becoming president, he's presided over the first three federal 
executions since the 1960's. He's also decided that "fairness" means all states 
should have the same death penalty standards -- the same as Texas! His federal 
attorneys mount capital prosecutions in almost every available case, with a 
special focus on death penalty-free states. And somewhere along the line, he 
discovered the right of presidents to conduct secret trials with summary 
executions in Guantanamo Bay. 

      In all that time, the man whose favorite political philosopher is Jesus 
Christ has commuted four death sentences: One person. Three turkeys. 

      With 2003 going fast, NCADP is gearing up for the abolition movement's 
busiest year ever. We need your help to defeat George Bush's frightening 
expansion of the federal death penalty. Please give today. 

      National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
      920 Pennsylvania Ave. SE
      Washington, DC 20003
      202-543-7798 (fax)

      All 031125-A Sol
       To Unsubscribe: You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time by 
visiting here.


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  • » [amc] Bush Finally Makes a Pardon