[amayausers.com] Re: thread breaking

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 14:36:32 UT

This message was posted by Rod or Sharon on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY 
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Regardless of whether you have not "changed" your settings....check everything 

Presser foot height....all the way down and up one click....a biggie!!!!

Burrs on needle(s)

Orientation of needle(s) needles in backwards...etc.

Lube on ROLLERS....a big one too....do not wait for the timers to tell you to 
lube the machine, especially when you are doing a big run of garments  using 
the same design and the same needles. The timers are set to assume that all 
needles get equal wear and takes an average, so to speak,  If you are doing a 
large run, then those rollers, needlebars, rotarty hook, etc.. need extra 
oil/grease...this is a BIGGIE...

Loose material in the hooping process.

Machine settings...check them again.....look at the "Auto lower limit" 
setting....the default is 1

Is "Force down load" checked....if not check it and reload your design..

Check bobbin tension...

Many times I  have found settings that some gremlin changed without my 
blessing....why?...don't know, have gotten to where I don't care...I just 
immediately go through a checking process...doesn't take but a minute or less...

A story....last night I was helping the wife run off 30 shirts with a 10,000 
stitch design with some small lettering ....everything was going well and then 
I started having serious thread break issues in the lettering on one shirt....I 
went through the check...was OK...Hummmm....took hoop and shirt off of machine 
and realized shirt had loosened up in the hoop and was about ready to become 
"unhooped"....wife was doing all the hooping.....I was doing the 
sewing.....mentioned this loose hoop to her and she said...oh!! 
gee!!...Well...these shirts are hoop burning really easy so I loosened up the 
hoops a bit.....aaaaah ha...problem solved...

Check, check and recheck...

Rod Springer
Amaya Tech & Trainer

Thread hanging up on cone


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