[amayausers.com] Re: X-stitch font

  • From: "Curtis Calfee" <Curtis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:09:54 -0500

It never ceases to amaze me how many people I have seen, met and talked
to who think that just because they may not get caught, doing illegal
things with these designs is not illegal or even wrong.  Does "not
getting caught" make it any less wrong to steal?  I think not.  I have
over the years heard many make the statement that they knew it was
against the rules, or illegal, but didn't care, as if they are exempt or
above the rules or laws.  I'm sorry, but it is still wrong, and against
the law, therefore it should not be practiced.  I don't want to sound
accusatory or judgmental, but I don't want people stealing from me, nor
will my conscience allow me to steal from others.

Sorry to rant, but this stuff really bothers me.  
Back to my vacation.  Have a great day.

Curtis Calfee
Threads of Faith, LLC

I am not sure how they are handling it today. A while back they had a 
separate department with lawyers, and the rumor I heard was that
made more revenue that year than the sales of their designs.

 I also have spoken with embroiders who have had people in their shops 
asking about using certain designs and then finding out later they were 
Dakota Sheriffs baiting them. The rumors and stories I have heard
they have closed shops and have done the "lets settle out of court"
many times and have the routine down. The settle out of court routine 
usually means the offending party is writing them a check.

 I bet they cruise EBay regularly themselves. Just my guess. I also bet,

that they have many calls reporting violations, I also bet many of these

calls are people looking for a reward of some type. I have seen it hear
Melco. I actually took a call from a loyal Melco customer who would show
a way to get around our security, but he would not do so until we paid
his price. So, with that in mind, I bet they do act pretty non-caring
receiving the phone calls but in actuality they are paying attention.

 Jeff Banks



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