[amayausers.com] Re: The disappearing design

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 18:32:08 UT

This message was posted by Juli in Kona on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY 
VIA EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

I have digitized a logo in DS Pro+.  Now when I go back in to tweak it, 
something strange is happening.  For instance, one of the rays of the star 
needed to be widened.  So, I selected that object and pulled the wire frame 
points out.  I turned from a satin shape to run stitch.  Well, gee, what 
happened.  So I copied one of the other rays and moved it into the new position 
and I can't get any "stitches", only the wire frame.  

So, delete all the bad objects and redigitize the ray.  No go, it is just not 
going to give me a satin filled object!  

I have been at this for awhile, so I feel that I do know what I am doing.  I am 
choosing the correct tool.  The one thing that I did do is move my dongle from 
the office computer to the shop computer to do this last tweaking.  I wouldn't 
think that would make any difference.

So, since I had not saved the tweakings, I closed the file and when I opened it 
again, thinking that I am going to get my orginal design back again, it doesn't 
appear to be there.  Except there is a list on the right.  But when I click on 
Stitches, there is a list, but no stitch numbers - no numbers at all in the 
list.  I take that to mean there are no stitches.  

Now, if I click in the black screen and happen to hit just where an object is 
supposed to be, the wire frame appears, but I can't get any stitches.  What do 
you think is going on and how can I get things going right?  I got work to do!

Juli in Kona


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