[amayausers.com] New Post/Thread Notification: Software

  • From: "AmayaUsers Discussion Boards" <theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 19:41:52 +0000


Joanie has just posted in the Software forum of AmayaUsers Discussion Boards 
under the title of using software other than Design Shop.

This thread is located at 

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Thank you John,
  I did decide that I'm not going to digitize, I'm slow and not that good!  I 
somewhat mis-used digitizing, I'll do lettering, and cutting/pasting of design 
parts, that is my level of "digitizing" :-)

So . . . am I trying to ride a pony at the Kentucky Derby?  (Bernina design, to 
my Amaya)

Since you don't digitize do may I ask what software you use to interact with 
designs and the Amaya OS?

A sketch design, is a digitized (not by me) pencil/charcoal like drawing.  3 
shades and they are pretty nice looking.  Sketch is more than likely my wording.

Thank you, I really appreciate your thoughts,


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