[amayausers.com] Re: Hooping a Stadium Blanket

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 20:10:56 UT

This message was posted by signman on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

Sorry about that...I have used the blankets with the Port Pocket-not the 
'storage' pocket. This is a case where you have to explain to the customer that 
you are limited to a logo size that fits the size HOOP that in turn fits the 
size POCKET. And irregardless of whether he says by 'measurement' it fits on 
the OUTSIDE of the blanket-you have to explain that the problem is with 
EQUIPMENT-in order to fit the machine inside the pocket and have room for the 
'nose' to move sideways and front to back without popping the material out of 
the hoop, the logo has to shrink. In jackets you have to turn the hoop anyway 
it will go to get through the zipper but once inside the back of the jacket you 
can turn it to line up properly. Trying to get inside the POCKET you are 
limited by the size of the pocket. No way he can get that big a logo if you 
can't use the big hoop-he will have to shrink it and understand the 
limitations. There are smaller hoops available that are still larger than the 7.
 5" 'round' hoop that came with your machine so if you don't have it you may 
have to order it-if the customer's orders warrant the expense. In any case, if 
you need it for this order you most likely will use it for something else down 
the road.


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