[amayausers.com] Re: Caps, what speed

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 11:15:12 UT

This message was posted by GF on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA EMAIL. 
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I rarely change my speed from 1250 on anything. Depending on the thickness of 
the thread, the density of the design, and the movement of the carriage to 
output the design determines whether I will slow it down any. My experience 
with speed is if the XT is slowed too much, it doesn't get enough momentum to 
run smoothly and small problems like thread or bobbin breaks could occur as 
well as a minute quality difference.

Understanding the mechanics of your machine and the variables of each project 
will help you work together. Not too unlike cars really ... some perform best 
with higher speeds, and some just can't handle it at all. But even with an high 
performance car, you would adjust your speed on a mountainous curve-bending 
road versus a flat empty highway.

Having said that, there are some operators who prefer to run the machines 
slower and they probably have adjusted their tensions to adapt to that. 
Tension, rollers, thread, and the physics of how quickly the thread is moving 
through the machine and the tension the thread is pulled are really key to a 
quality sewout on anything. No one size fits all. Know your tools and adjust 
them to your preference. The XT is an amazing machine and will do exactly as 
you ask it too, and will let you know if one of your settings are not working 
right with everything else.



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