[ai_group] baby steps

  • From: "David Garner" <dgarner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ai_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 11:05:11 -0500


You're quite the story teller. ;)

My PC has sound and video capabilities.  Problem is I don't have
programming skills in those areas.

I think I've determined that simple file I/O will be the best approach
to experimentation (fits my programming skills anyway).

If I recall correctly, you talked of simple comma delimited ASCII files
as the database.

I'm still trying to get a handle on what to store in the database.  You
talked like you'd store all conversation and then use number of
occurrences as some kind of weighting factor in determining familiarity
or comfort with a concept.

The book from the 80's I've been reading talks about long term and short
term memory and chunking.  They also talk about how experts use surface
knowledge (rules of thumb) to solve problems rather than resorting to
the details of their education.  I certainly can relate to this in
engineering.  I've also been involved with some tax preparation and know
that there are only a few concepts that are ever really used.  Despite
all the rules and regulations, very seldom does one ever dig into the
details to fill out the tax forms.

There have been many suggestions on how to approach the problem of
getting started.  Dr.X's word thingy.  An electronic dictionary, reading
newsgroups, I've even thought that getting an electronic version(s) of
the Bible might be a good source of some kinds of knowledge.

I guess I'm not interested in getting lost in the volume of databases as
much as I'm trying to understand an approach.  There has to be a
strategy behind what ever is done.  From there, it's having the right
coding and enough storage and speed to execute it.

I'm trying to figure out a strategy (even if it's wrong).

Seems like brute word comparison is not enough.  There need to be
priorities/rules involved as well.

What are the rules of thumb?  Or, the processes involved?

We don't have intelligence, so we have to make up for it with speed?

Seems like there's still a lot to learn here.

David Garner

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