[ai_group] Re: approach

  • From: "David Garner" <dgarner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ai_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 20:29:48 -0500


> I don't agree, but if you guys want to I'll go along. My problem is I
> need to have the comupter "learn" on it's own. My solution is to
> an AI program that can learn using input/ouput.

Are you proposing this rabbit to chase?

How does this differ from accumulating data?  So far, all I've gotten
from your descriptions is that you want to amass a huge amount of data
and process it in some way.  Can we create an experiment to help push
this vision forward?  What's it look like?

David Garner

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