[accmemberdiscussion] Fwd: AKC's Taking Command - November 2010

  • From: Djsdosido@xxxxxxx
  • To: accmemberdiscussion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 20:14:10 EST

It really is very important to make personal contact with your state  
legislators now.  
Donna  & the Dosido Gang
Remlap, Alabama
Visit me at _www.doublenickellife.blogspot.com_ 
(http://www.doublenickellife.blogspot.com/)   and help support the Alabama 
Canine Coalition by 
shopping/searching through  _http://www.goodsearch.com_ 
 and _http://www.igive.com_ (http://www.igive.com/) 

Every year of  dog love is worth seven years of the human stuff. (Michael 

 From: enews@xxxxxxx
Reply-to: enewsletter@xxxxxxx
To:  djsdosido@xxxxxxx
Sent: 11/18/2010 2:43:03 P.M. Central Standard  Time
Subj: AKC's Taking Command - November 2010

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November  2010

From  our Nation's Capitol 
The  U.S. Congress returned to work on November 15 for a  post-election 
"lame duck" session. The AKC Government  Relations and AKC's federal advocacy 
team in  Washington, D.C., continue to monitor Congress for  issues of 
interest to dog owners. Visit our _2010 Legislative  Tracking Page_ 
t=0)  and click on “US Fed” on the map to  get the latest updates on 
federal bills currently  being monitored by the AKC. 

_Here are a few of the bills we’re tracking  in Congress._ 
 News  from the State Capitols 
Ten  state legislatures and the District of Columbia are  currently in 
regular session. Several states have also  begun prefiling legislation for the 
2011 session. To  date, AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) has tracked  over 
1,200 bills in 2010 at all levels of government.  For the latest information 
on the state and federal  bills being tracked by the Government Relations 
(GR)  Department, visit our _2010 Legislation  Tracking page._ 
=0)  This page, updated daily, provides  the latest bill text, status, and 
Legislative Alerts  posted by the AKC.

For more information on any  of the measures mentioned, contact us at (919) 
 816-3720 or _doglaw@xxxxxxxx (mailto:doglaw@xxxxxxx) . 

_Here are some highlights of the bills we  are currently tracking._ 
 Local  Battles 
The  AKC Government Relations Department (AKC GR) assists  dog owners and 
breeders with canine legislation issues  in their local communities, but we 
can’t help unless  we are aware of the proposal! If you hear of an issue  in 
your town or county, please contact us at (919)  816-3720 or 
_doglaw@xxxxxxxx (mailto:doglaw@xxxxxxx) . We will be  happy to provide you 
with the 
resources, tools, and  support you need to help fight for responsible dog  
ownership in your community. 

_Here are some examples_ 
  of the local  issues 
currently being addressed by AKC GR, as well as  some victories for dog owners 
within the past  month.
 Fall/Winter  Issue of State Legislative In Session  Newsletter Available 
The  latest edition of AKC’s state legislative newsletter  In Session _is 
now available to print  online_ 
 . This newsletter was 
also sent  electronically to every state legislator, and includes  an article 
on why mandatory spay/neuter laws are  ineffective, information on AKC’s 
inspections program,  and other community projects in which the AKC has  
participated. We encourage you to consider printing  this newsletter and 
personally sharing it with your  lawmakers.

You can access past issues of the  state and federal versions of this 
newsletter by _clicking here_ 
 .     Elections  Essentials: 
You Voted…Now Introduce Yourself!  
The  elections may be over, but our work as responsible dog  owners, 
exhibitors, and breeders is just beginning.  Many states elected a large number 
new lawmakers on  the federal, state, and local levels – most of whom  
likely know very little about canine  legislation.

Most state legislatures will  reconvene in early 2011, and many are already 
 beginning pre-filing bills for next session. This is  why it is critical 
for you as a member of a local club  or state federation, or as a responsible 
breeder and  dog owner, to take the next 2-3 months to educate your  
lawmakers about the importance of promoting and  protecting responsible dog 
ownership. _
     AKC  Registrations Benefit 
Responsible Breeders  
The  mission of AKC’s Government Relations (GR) Department  is to protect 
the rights of all dog owners, promote  responsible dog ownership, and ensure 
that laws  governing dog ownership and breeding are reasonable,  
enforceable, and nondiscriminatory. Through our  constituent-empowerment 
model, AKC-GR  addresses issues at every level of government and  across all 50 
states. While most non-profit  organizations focus their government relations 
efforts  around one or two issues, AKC goes above-and-beyond by  promoting 
23 different position statements and  addressing each bill that pertains to 
them. All of  this results in a staggering amount of work. _Read more._ 
         The  elections are over and the holidays are 
just around  the corner. Now is the time to plan for the coming  year. This 
is also the time of year when lawmakers  begin meeting with interest 
groups, colleagues, and  constituents and consider what legislation to  
in 2011. 

In the midst of your  holiday planning, I encourage you to take a few  
minutes to contact your elected lawmakers and talk to  them about responsible 
dog issues and canine  legislation. It is very important that they know there  
are responsible dog owners and breeders in their  districts who can be 
called on for expert advice and  feedback when canine legislative issues arise. 

In this issue of Taking Command, we  provide you with a _number of 
  on  how to contact both new and returning 
lawmakers and  how to educate them about dog issues. Be sure to also  check out 
online _Government  Relations Toolbox_ 
 , which 
contains a variety of  educational materials on canine legislation issues,  the 
economic impact of purebred dog ownership in your  state, and numerous other 
informative resources.  

I also encourage you to check out the latest  state legislative version of 
our _In Session newsletter_ 
 ,  which includes 
information about AKC inspections, why  mandatory spay/neuter laws are 
and  numerous other programs led by the AKC and local  clubs. Consider 
printing out a few copies and taking  them to your state legislators.

The AKC is  pleased to partner with you in the fight to continue  owning, 
breeding, and exhibiting dogs. We encourage  you to let your fellow dog 
lovers know about _the services we  provide_ 
 , so that 
together we can continue to  protect our rights as responsible dog owners and  

All the best,
Sheila  Goffe
Director of Government Relations    

Contact  Us
Phone:  (919) 816-3720   Email:  _doglaw@xxxxxxxx (mailto:doglaw@xxxxxxx)   
_Government  Relations_ 
   _Legislative  Alerts_ 
0&mt=1&rt=0)   _2010  Legislation Tracking_ 

To  be removed from our mailing list: _Unsubscribe Here_ 
If you have  changed your email address: _Change Address Here_ (ht
To update  your subscription preferences: _Change Profile Here_ 

We respect your  privacy. Please read _AKC's Privacy  Statement_ 
t=1&rt=0) .

American Kennel Club | 8051 Arco Corporate Drive,  Suite 100 | Raleigh, NC 
Customer Care Center (919) 233-9767 |  _info@xxxxxxxx (mailto:info@xxxxxxx) 

_© 2010 American Kennel  Club_ 

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  • » [accmemberdiscussion] Fwd: AKC's Taking Command - November 2010 - Djsdosido