[accesscomp] Re: Mazola Firefox

  • From: "Gene" <gsasner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: accesscomp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 18:32:33 -0600

You can download my tutorial on using firefox and Webvisum.  The first
part deals with Firefox, the second with Webvisum.  The presentation was
given awhile ago, when Firefox 3 was the current version.  Not everything
still applies but most of what was in the presentation still does.  You
will learn useful information even if you find that you have to do certain
things differently.

You can download the presentation at

Go to that site and use the search feature on the site to search for
Firefox.  The first result will be to a page where you can download my

I haven't used the latest version of Firefox so I hope others will comment
on it.  I've heard a comment or two indicating that problems and
annoyances in versions after version 3 were fixed in the latest version.
but if that is not the case, you can still download and use version 3 if
you wish.  It is still being updated, or at least it was as of about two
weeks ago.  Version 3 is evidently far more popular for far longer than
the Firefox programmers anticipated.  they've been keeping it updated far
longer than is usual.  And, while this is not a reason to use 3, if you
do, everything in my presentation will apply to it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Hart" <pat.hart@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <accesscomp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 4:37 PM
> Hi list, Can anyone tell me how to use Firefox for a web browser, Irun
> Jaws.. not the latest version, it is 10.. thanks, Pat

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