[24hoursupport] Re: Is it possible to combine split files into intactone?

  • From: "Douglas S. Oliver" <dsoliver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 24hoursupport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2002 07:39:36 -0700


Was the file split by hand by your friend, or did the zip program split
it up? If it was the latter, find out which program was used,and use
that to reassemble the file. If it was cut up by hand, you'll probably
need to cut and paste it back together. If it was prepared by a Mime
program, you could use munpack.exe to put it back together. I'm not
sure, but winzip might be able to do it for you. You do need to find out
how it was zipped. Eudora uses Mime to send large files over the
internet. Those files I believe can be drag and dropped to winzip to be
made whole again. Good luck. -- d

Ewen Howe wrote:

>I received a program file from a friend. Due to the size of the file, it was
>split into three parts and zip'ed in order to send through email. Now I can
>unzip them, but it seems to be lacking a linker to make them into an intact
>one. IS there a way to do this? thanks!
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